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Old 07-12-2010, 09:25 AM
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Default Herbs For Cancer

Here's a forwarded message I came across that may be of some value.



[Here are 3 drugs made from 'herbs'. The cancer industry likes you to think this
is improving on herbal medicine, and most weeks you can read about some herb
with wonderful properties that isn't any use until they extract some part of it
and turn it into a highly toxic drug, as idiotic as turning vegetables into
drugs before we can eat them, but no one is allowed to think about the logical
absurdities. This is one reason why atheism became the state belief system, so
they can make Allopathy a covert God, the ultimate false Authority, and with
Government and media in the same gang, get away with the racket.

You can glean their real agenda by the fact they studiously ignore all the
cancer herbs used by herbalists for centuries. With their latest, Taxol, they
have managed to kill over 80% of the sacred Yew (that can live for over 5,000
years 1 ---a double bonus for Satan there, humans and trees) in America, India
and China. Of course, the classic cancer therapy from nature is Laetrile. They
had to crush that, no patent /no money, and treating causes instead of symptoms
would give the whole Allopathic game away, not to mention the main part it plays
in Western covert-genocide.

The power of herbal medicine (and Cleansing) has been exposed for all to see
recently with the work of Dr Richard Shulze who cured thousands of cancer (also
other so called 'incurables' such as Alzheimer's and AIDS) at his secret clinic
(it's illegal for non-Allopaths to treat cancer: see), just more evidence of the
value of the suppressed Essiac and Hoxsey formulas. And then we have all the
herbs from China, Russia, Africa and South America like Pau D�Arco .]

See: Kelley Gerson Laetrile Zapper quotes Hemp oil

[Book] Cancer can be cured by Father Romano Zago

Allopathic cancer drugs from nature
[Vinca rosea.]Vinblastine sulfate: Damage to white blood cells is common within
5-10 days. Nausea is relatively mild, but constipation and mouth sores are
frequently seen. Mild and reversible hair loss, rashes and sensitivity to light
are also seen. Continous infusions can lead to hepatitis.

[Periwinkle plant (Vinca rosea Linn).] Vincristine sulfate: If the drug leaks
out during administration it can cause severe skin damage. It can also cause
nerve damage, including the loss of various sensations and even whole senses.
Sometimes it causes palsy or severe constipation, abdominal pains, and bowel

[Yew tree] Taxol: In an early trial 40% suffered nerve damage. Many patients
show a significant depletion of neutrophils. Total loss of hair is common. Other
effects include nausea and vomiting, inflammation of mucous membranes, muscle
pains, and vein inflammation. Rapid heart beat in many, with serious heart
disturbances in some. The treatment also can destroy white blood cells, killing
patients. Ref: Questioning Chemotherapy by Ralph Moss.

Herbs used for cancer:

Essiac formula: burdock root (Arctium lappa), slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus
rubra), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and Indian rhubarb root (Rheum

Hoxsey formula: included Red clover, Burdock root, Barberry bark, Licorice root,
Buckthorn bark, Prickly ash, poke berries and root, Stillingia root, Cascara

Montagna formula: Chaparral leaves - Dissolves malignant tumors. 2. Bloodroot -
Purifies and cleanses bloodstream. 3. Red clover blossoms - Antidote to cancer.
4. Burdock root - Neutralizes and eliminates toxins. 5. Echinacea root - Natural
herbal antitoxin. 6. Goldenseal root - Kills poisons, equalizes circulation. 7.
Comfrey leaves - Relieves pain, establishes normal conditions. 8. Ginseng root -
Stimulates vital cell processes.
Herbal salves

Dr Richard Shulze salve: Red Clover Blossoms, Garlic cloves, Poke root,
goldenseal, activated charcoal, Tea Tree Oil, Bentonite clay, Slippery Elm inner
Iscador/Mistletoe Cannabis Carnivora Chaparral Garlic Echinacea Red Clover
Mushrooms Cayenne Pepper Dr Richard Shulze Dr John Christopher Bruess (sage)

And then you have all the herbs used in China, Japan, Africa and South America.

Extracts below from Alternative Cancer Remedies. Facts for Historians and
Medical Researchers BY VANCE FERRELL

Also see the book: School of Natural Healing by John Christopher

Medical researchers, unacquainted with the field, will appreciate knowing that,
in designing an anti-cancer herbal compound, the best herbal formula for cancer
should have these qualities:

The following herbal listing is, with few exceptions, drawn from the above
listing of the herbs included in the best cancer forumulas. Carefully examining
the information which follows will help you understand the attributes of each of
those herbs.

1 - The ideal anti-cancer formula should attack and destroy cancer tissue. Of
the herbs listed in the above formulas, here are the ones which destroy tumors.

DISCUTIENTS�These are herbs which dissolve and remove tumors and abnormal
growths. They can be used as poultices, fomentations, and/ or taken internally.
Burdock root Red clover tops
Chaparral Sorrel Garlic

2 - The ideal anti-cancer formula should attack and destroy bacteria and
viruses. Since there is good reason to believe that cancer may be a bacteria or
virus, the formula should include an herb which is �antibiotic�; that is, which
inhibits the growth of, and destroys, viruses and bacteria, and strengthens the
body�s immune system.

ANTIBIOTICS�These are herbs which inhibit the growth of, and destroy, viruses
and bacteria, and strengthen the body�s immune system.
Chaparral Garlic
Echinacea Goldenseal

Also helpful would be an herb which prevented the growth of more bacteria during
the cleansing process.
ANTISEPTICS�These herbs prevent the growth of bacteria.
Barberry Garlic
Echinacea Goldenseal

3 - The ideal anti-cancer formula should purify the blood, in order to help rid
the body of toxins, in general, and also portions of the cancer tissue as it is
being absorbed into the blood stream.
Here are herbs, in the above list, which do this:

ALTERATIVES�These are herbs which purify the blood. They usually do this by
cleaning out the spleen, liver, kidneys, and bowels. As a rule, these herbs are
best used for a lengthy period of time, so that the detoxification will not
occur too rapidly and overwhelm the body�s abilities to discharge those toxins.
Of course, nutrition must be corrected at the same time that alternative herbs
are taken.
Barberry Goldenseal
Burdock root Gotu kola
Cayenne Licorice root
Chaparral Oregon grape root
Chickweed Poke root
Cleavers Prickley ash
Comfrey Red clover tops
Dandelion Rhubarb
Echinacea Sassafras
Garlic Yellow dock

4 - The ideal anti-cancer formula should help clean out the liver. This is
crucial, since the blood stream sends the toxins from the broken-down tumor to
the liver to be ejected. When the cleansing occurs too fast (which can easily
happen if the diet and herbal formula is correct), the liver can become
overloaded�and stop functioning. This is called hepatic coma, and death results.

CHOLAGOGUES�These herbs help open the bile ducts and promote the flow of bile,
thus aiding the liver in cleaning itself out.
Yellow dock

Note: The Gerson Institute has found that coffee enemas are far and away the
most powerful, yet safe, means of emptying the bile ducts and thus cleaning out
the liver. But it must only be done when high levels of nutrients and vitamin
and mineral replacement is being made! It would be helpful if, at the same time,
the liver could be strengthened. But this may not be crucial.

HEPATICS�These are herbs which strengthen, tone, and stimulate the secretive
functions of the liver.
Aloe vera

5 - It would also be helpful to strengthen the organs of elimination.

LIVER TONICS�These herbs increase the energy of the liver.
Buckthorn bark

GALLBLADDER TONICS�The following herbs strengthen the gallbladder.
Oregon grape root

KIDNEY TOPICS�These herbs strengthen the kidneys so they can work better.
Burdock root

INTESTINAL TONICS�These herbs energize the gastro-intestinal tract.
Cascara sagrada

6 - Additional flushing of toxins is also needed during the cleansing process.

LYMPHATICS�These herbs stimulate and cleanse the lymphatic system.
Oregon grape root
Poke root
Yellow dock

ANTI-CATARRHALS�These herbs help rid the body of catarrh.

7 - During the cleansing process, it would be well to help soothe the
gastro-intestinal tract.

MUCILAGES�These are herbs which tend to soothe inflamed parts. Slippery elm is
the best of them.
Slippery elm

8 - It might be helpful if an herb could be included which relieved pain during
the recovery process. Yet it is now known that cancer never causes pain! It is
not the tumor but the toxic overload in the later stages which produces the
pain! As soon as the toxins are being reduced, by elimination through the bowels
and kidneys, the pain which cancer patients are experiencing lessens and stops.
The Gerson Institute has found that, when pain occurs, coffee enemas flush out
the liver and the pain subsides. They also use chamomile to lessen
gastro-intestinal pains.

NERVINES�These herbs help relieve pain (yet are unlikely to stop cancer pain
since it is caused by a toxic overload).
Chamomile Mistletoe
Gravel root Wood betony

ANODYNES�The following herbs relieve pain. They do this by decreasing the
excitability of the nerves and nerve centers. Anti-spasmodic (antiparalysis)
herbs are quite similar in function.
White willow

It is of interest that, in the above listings, certain herbs, known to have
anti-cancer properties, are continually repeated. They are:
Burdock root

Also repeated frequently are chaparral, goldenseal, mistletoe, dandelion, etc.
In addition, the four Essiac herbs are all there:
Burdock root
Rhubarb root
Slippery elm bark

Working from the above analysis, it would seem that Essiac, possibly with the
addition of Echinacea and Barberry (please note: Large doses of barberry are
harmful!), could provide the basic herbal formula. Yet it must be kept in mind
that, if too many herbs were added to Essiac, the balance it already has might
be lost.

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~

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� #2
Old 08-19-2010, 12:48 AM
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Graviola is an herb that is getting more and more attention for what it can do to fight cancer.
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� #3
Old 09-09-2010, 03:53 PM
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Those "herbal" cancer drugs are anything but safe. The vinca ones are nasty and Taxol has tons of side effects.
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� #4
Old 10-16-2011, 03:06 PM
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This is an old post but I pulled it up because I wanted to learn more about the Hoxsey therapy.

I have Essaic Tea from Herbal Academy. You can take 2 oz. once a day for healthy measures.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
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