"ImmunoVaccine Technologies is about delivering vaccines," Mr. Chase said.
The ability of the VacciMax platform to deliver a single-shot immunity vaccine, as in the event of a flu pandemic, has dramatic implications for the field of public health, as most immunization vaccines require two shots over 30 days.
"When you�ve got a disease that is killing millions, you do not want to wait a month," Mr. Chase said.
In laboratory tests conducted on models for melanoma and cervical cancer, the VacciMax platform was proven effective in eliminating 100 per cent of tumours.
The results created a stir among international cancer researchers.
"It creates a stronger response and a longer-lasting response," said Mr. Chase, a biochemist with a list of achievements in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors who joined the company after company founder Warwick Kimmins died of cancer in August.
Soon after bringing the VacciMax platform to market, the Halifax company moved to acquire Immunotope Inc., a Pennsylvania biotechnology company developing immunotherapy products for the treatment and prevention of cancer and infectious diseases.
This move gave ImmunoVaccine the opportunity to create a line of proprietary therapeutic vaccines aimed at cancer and infectious diseases.
To recognize the importance of VacciMax�, you first must understand what it is. It�s not a vaccine in and of itself; rather, it�s a liquid mixture of oils and substances called liposomes and adjuvants that form a �vaccine-enhancement platform,� or a delivery system for vaccines. In other words, if a patient needs a vaccine that will cure a disease such as cancer, VacciMax� intensifies the effects of the therapeutic vaccine; it efficiently activates the immune system to ensure a robust response.
To date, VacciMax� has been tested in proof of principle tests in mice with cancer, and the results have been astonishing. �It�s some of the strongest data I�ve seen in my career,� says Chase. So far the platform has been used with vaccines to treat lab mice with cervical cancer and skin cancer. The tests show that even a single vaccination applied with VacciMax� not only prevents the growth of tumours but also can destroy cancer cells and tumours. https://www.immunovaccine.com//articles.php#100
� Researchers independent of IVT have acknowledged that the VacciMax� platform has beneficial features which have not been observed before in vaccine research. These features constitute the VacciMax� Advantage.
� Eight Cervical cancer and Melanoma experts present at the Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine Workshop (October 19th and 20th, 2006) agreed that the striking results achieved by IVT �have never been reported by anyone in the field� and that IVT�s vaccine technology �must be tested in human clinical trials as soon as possible�.
has any one checked to see what else the vaccines are loaded with? The medical profession in the united states makes me put up the big red flag. What is in the delivery system, again big companies charging outrageous prices for something we can get cheaper and better. Again it is all in the advertising method to promote your product, the more money you have the more money you have to spend the time to make the words sound,ah, so perfect.