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� #1
Old 03-03-2012, 11:04 PM
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Default Gerson Therapy, your opinion please?

I have a question as i'm left confused by the contoversy.

I recently found out about the Gerson treatment for Cancer and they say that they have a very high success rate with curing Cancer, on the other hand people on the conventional medicine side of the fence say that studies have found that it's not effective.

I find that this situation exists with a lot of treatments,
I just want the truth.

Does anyone know any hard stats on this one question?


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� #2
Old 03-04-2012, 01:51 AM
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Hello Mark. The Gerson Therapy is much respected here. (See Arrow's thread 'Dying To Have Known - The Cancer Cure' further down the Cancer section)
In fact there are numerous effective natural cancer cures - and have been for decades.
Alas, the Cancer Industry is a mega multi billion dollar industry and they don't want their huge profits destroyed by knowledge of natural treatments that are either, effectively free, or only cost a few dollars, so they rubbish them, dismiss them as fraud and quackery, and persecute natural therapists who offer such treatments.
This site is full of invaluable information on herbal, nutritional and other naturopathic methods of preventing, combating and overcoming cancer...Read through the numerous threads and links.
Good luck and good health!

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� #3
Old 03-04-2012, 01:58 AM
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PS: Impossible to give "hard stats" as you put it, but the Gerson DVDs mentioned and another excellent DVD 'Cancer - The Forbidden Cures' contain filmed testimonials of people who have cured their cancer through the Gerson Therapy.
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� #4
Old 03-04-2012, 03:51 AM
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Hi Knightofalbion

Thanks for that.
It's great to know people here are open minded.
What got me thinking was that I was recently on a Cancer message board which was clearly pro conventional treatment.
All I did was ask a similar question as above , no opinion just a simple
"I'm confused,can you answer my question"

I logged in the next day and I was banned and labelled an "Alt Zealot"

Previously there was another thread which had been suspended on Gerson where someone posted a debunk article on Gerson.

Guess the bottom line is what are the stats for Chemo, how many survive after 5 years for instance?

Personally I know of three people who have had chemo.
One died and the other two are still alive after many years later.

That's why i'm confused as there are arguments on both sides or so it seems.
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� #5
Old 03-04-2012, 07:11 AM
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What Knightofalbion says about "there are numerous effective natural cancer cures - and have been for decades." is absolutely true, and is the reason that there are so many alternative and complementary health forums.

I think that you will also find that one natural protocol for cancer will not work for all cancers. People want one pill or something that will work for everything. That causes the controversy. Then of course, the mainstream medical world, including especially pharmaceuticals, has a lot of money, your money, to fight alternative or even ancient folk treatments.

I've found this site is the best source for alternative cancer answers. https://www.cancertutor.com/index.html Some of the treatments seem outrageous to me, but if I had cancer, I would definitely consider them.

Gerson does not answer all, but it is certainly healthy and would be good to follow. Much has been learned since his time too. So there are more things to consider. Anyway since you asked, here is what that site has to say about Gerson https://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Gerson.html
- Jim

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� #6
Old 03-05-2012, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by sydneynsw View Post
Hi Knightofalbion

Thanks for that.
It's great to know people here are open minded.
What got me thinking was that I was recently on a Cancer message board which was clearly pro conventional treatment.
All I did was ask a similar question as above , no opinion just a simple
"I'm confused,can you answer my question"

I logged in the next day and I was banned and labelled an "Alt Zealot"

Previously there was another thread which had been suspended on Gerson where someone posted a debunk article on Gerson.

Guess the bottom line is what are the stats for Chemo, how many survive after 5 years for instance?

Personally I know of three people who have had chemo.
One died and the other two are still alive after many years later.

That's why i'm confused as there are arguments on both sides or so it seems.

I found this board in 09 when I was banned from anaother board for mentioning / asking alternative medicine. A lot of people have been helped by gerson and hoxsey and macrobiotics. Also, it depends on the cancer, but most cancers do not fare well under conventional medicine.
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� #7
Old 03-05-2012, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by sydneynsw View Post
Hi Knightofalbion

Thanks for that.
It's great to know people here are open minded.
What got me thinking was that I was recently on a Cancer message board which was clearly pro conventional treatment.
All I did was ask a similar question as above , no opinion just a simple
"I'm confused,can you answer my question"

I logged in the next day and I was banned and labelled an "Alt Zealot"

Previously there was another thread which had been suspended on Gerson where someone posted a debunk article on Gerson.

Guess the bottom line is what are the stats for Chemo, how many survive after 5 years for instance?

Personally I know of three people who have had chemo.
One died and the other two are still alive after many years later.

That's why i'm confused as there are arguments on both sides or so it seems.
Sorry to hear about your getting banned. I think I know the forum you mean...They're notorious for that sort of thing. There isn't one of us NMT regulars that wouldn't be banned on sight if we signed up there, even without posting anything!

As I said, there are many natural cancer treatments that have been going for decades, longer even. The Ancient Romans treated breast cancer with cabbage paste, modern research suggests there could be something to it. The Roman physicians readily recorded it, so they must have had a measure of success with it.
Pretty much every culture has its own folk remedy i.e. Hoxsey cancer treatment (USA) Essiac (Canada) mistletoe (Britain) Budwig therapy (Germany) Beres Drops (Hungary) etc. etc.

Does the allopathic cancer treatment work? Yes and no. It saves many, but others it doesn't. Over 500,000 Americans, for example, die every year of cancer, despite chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Unlike the allopathic treatment, the naturopathic treatments don't involve poisoning, burning or cutting bits out of people and they adopt a holistic approach.

You can't really do a face off between the two, because most of the natural treatments have been forced underground and many people who do try them have been through the allopathic system and given up on ("terminal").
But all the major natural treatments have many testimonials to their credit.

All this is something you need to explore for yourself. It's an adventure to say the least!
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� #8
Old 03-10-2012, 01:00 PM
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Thanks for the link that was very interesting.

K of A

I don't agree that you can't do a "Face Off" between them, I see doing exactly that as the only way of getting any change in anything otherwise things will stay relatively the same as they are now.
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� #9
Old 03-20-2012, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by sydneynsw View Post
I have a question as i'm left confused by the contoversy.

I recently found out about the Gerson treatment for Cancer and they say that they have a very high success rate with curing Cancer, on the other hand people on the conventional medicine side of the fence say that studies have found that it's not effective.

I find that this situation exists with a lot of treatments,
I just want the truth.

Does anyone know any hard stats on this one question?



For a thorough explanation of the Gerson Cancer Therapy, its history and the politics, its effectiveness with accompanying testimonials from recovered patients, and more, with active Links providing documentation and additional information, and written in a user friendly easily readable format, go to page 5 (as of this Posting), scroll down to the thread initiated by "will dc" entitled, Gerson - why apple and carrot juice?, and read my replies; or just click on the following Link and do the same:

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� #10
Old 01-25-2013, 09:35 PM
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I haven't followed the Gerson Therapy but I can tell you two stories:

-One of my co-workers just finished the juice fast recommended in the documentary, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and said she feels better than she has in a long time. She also said a friend of hers, 32 years old with cancer throughout his body, is on the juice fast and is responding remarkably well.

-I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, the tumor was 2 centimeters, estrogen receptive, and cancer was found in one lymph node. My medical team recommended chemo and radiation as a preventative measure. I remembered that thirty +/- years ago, my dad had told me of a clinic in Germany he'd read about that had success curing terminal cancer patients by eliminating refined white flour and sugar, caffiene, alcohol, and salt from the patients' diets. Immediately following diagnosis, I completely eliminated every food containing artificial ingredients, any processed or packaged foods, all dairy, all sweeteners, all alcoholic beverages, all fried foods, and avoided anything made with safflower or canola oils. Basically, I ate lots of vegetables (mostly organic), limited fruit (organic), some lean protein (organic, grass fed/grass finished), and drank filtered water.

I am allergic to dairy and most sugars (including honey and fructose), but until diagnosis, I had eaten it anyway and suffered the consequences. I hadn't known I was also allergic to gluten until after chemotherapy, which eliminated everything made of wheat, barley, spelt, rye, etc.

I refused to take Tamoxifen or any of the other inhibitor drugs once I finished with chemo because there were too many side effects. I chose, instead, to maintain the strict diet. I am now a 6-year survivor and feel better than I ever did prior to diagnosis. This way of eating also had some side benefits: (1) chemo threw me into early menopause, but by avoiding sweetened foods, alcohol, and simple carbohydrates, hot flashes were mild and quick; (2) no more insomnia!!!; (3) my energy lasts all day--no more "afternoon slump"; (4) I stay trim without having to watch my weight.

I am somewhat skeptical about some of the components of the Gerson Therapy, but if I knew in 2006 what I know now, I probably would have tried the Gerson Therapy.
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� #11
Old 01-26-2013, 03:28 AM
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I fight cancer in my body every day. You should too!

Fifteen bucks that WILL save your life.

Dr. Brownstein has expanded and updated this book with all the latest information about iodine. The entire book has been updated with new case histories. In addition, there are two NEW chapters which provide information about:

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Dr. Brownstein feels iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. He feels it is impossible to achieve your optimal health when there is iodine deficiency present. This book provides information on how iodine therapy can help:Table of Contents
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Unless your lucky enough to stumble across a cheap used copy online, your best buy is here.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #12
Old 04-16-2013, 07:01 AM
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Hi, this is my first post here but hopefully I can give a little light on your question. I am supporting my wife right now in her fight against cancer using only natural methods.
I studied the Gerson therapy as one of the options of treatment for my wife.In regards to Stats it's difficult as I assume you will be comparing to Stats that you have been given from conventional medicine? The Stats we generally see are very inaccurate and many would say lies. For example you are considered cured even if you die of your cancer just as long as you don't die in less than 5 years from diagnosis. This contributes to the deception of conventianal medicine's success. Some of the most serious Cancer patients are also not included in the stats. Also in general by the time a cancer patient try's an "alternative" approach, they have already had their body severely compromised by conventional treatments. Having said that some natural treatments have Stats in excess of 90% for people that have not had conventional treatment. It drops if you have for example had Chemo which massively impacts on your bodies immune system.
For myself I couldn't afford Gerson therapy which over two years is very expensive and this needs to be taken into account before you start any therapy.
Effectively what the best natural therapies seek to do is empower the body to destroy the cancer for you. If you have cancer you have a seriously weakened immune system, conventional treatment try's to replace your immune system and fight the cancer in very primitive and in my opinion barbaric ways. Your body is an amazing thing, give it the tools it needs i.e correct nutrition, a bit of sunlight, excercise and deal with chronic stress in your life and it will kick the ass out of chemo, cutting or burning your body.
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� #13
Old 04-16-2013, 07:24 PM
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Default Gerson Therapy

I listen to a lot of people with cancer through Jesicha's Hope and there are a number that have seen Gerson Therapy as one of our resources and tried it. Some admit they modify it, whether that is good or bad, it is their choice. I find many use the Gerson Therpay along with other naturally based treatments.
For me, I rather believe in using diet as an integral part of the whole treatment process. If you have cancer, you know full well it can spread fast when it wants to and you don't want to be too easy on it; in other words, the more natural weapons you have against it the better. I find using some form of hyperthermia is a good choice, the Sono photo dynamic therapy is very good for all cancer but especially good for men with prostate cancer. The latest to add to the list of treatments is the BX Antitoxin which so far is giving a near 90 plus percent curative rate. I a duly impressed with what I have seen.
No matter what therapy using a diet like Gerson is a good choice.
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