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Old 08-23-2012, 06:26 PM
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Arrow Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Alternative Answers: Nutrition and Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue is a sign that your body is in need of conserving energy. It can be a
sign that your body is expanding more energy than it can produce. It could also
be the symptoms of an underlying health problem. It can be the first signs of
developing physical or emotional problems or a variety of infectious diseases.
Consulting a medical professional is the first step that should be taken in
order to rule out certain physical illnesses.

Physical examination and routine laboratory tests although required to rule out
other possible causes of a patient's symptoms, no laboratory test, no matter how
esoteric or exotic, can diagnose this condition or measure its severity.

If no physical illness is found, a regimen of proper diet, detoxing, exercise,
and plenty of rest and water is a good start. Try to manage stress and balance
situations around you.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is debilitating with a variety of
symptoms that resemble those of flu or other viral infections. The cause of CFS
is not known but several theories posture that it is a "reaction" to a virus.
This is why it is mistaken many times for other disorders. Often mistaken by
some to be a result of infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is a member
of the herpes family and the same virus that causes mononucleosis or Lyme
disease. However, there is no convincing evidence that most cases of CFS are
caused by an infection. Some other theories suggest that chronic fatigue is
related to overwork, stress, a weak immune system, allergies, low blood
pressure, hormonal imbalance or environmental toxins. In some cases it may
follow the death of a close relative or an operation.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is also known as Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
(CFIDS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), and Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome.

Symptoms other than fatigue may include nausea, irritable bowel syndrome,
bloating, chronic cough, diarrhea, dry eyes, irregular heartbeat, chest pain,
jaw pain, night sweats, alcohol and drug intolerance, dizzy spells, tingling
sensations and lack of appetite.

Nutritional Considerations

Water is essential in any healing process. 6-8 eight ounces glasses per day as
dehydration can be one of the culprits.

Missing meals, dieting, and not eating properly can be helped by taking one
multivitamin and mineral supplement a day. A lack of good nutrition can cause
fatigue. Consider several light meals to avoid a severe case of napping.

Eating most of your calories early in the day will give you the fuel you need to
keep going. But you've got to be selective in the type of fuel you choose.
Carbohydrate, for example, is a fast burner. Fat, on the other hand, burns
slowly, meaning it slows you down.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet overall. Consider a high-protein, low-fat diet with
healthy complexed carbohydrates.

Some nutritional doctors believe that for people with CFS who have low blood
pressure, salt should not be restricted. In CFS sufferers who have a form of low
blood pressure triggered by changes in position (orthostatic hypotension), some
have been reported to be helped by additional salt intake. People with CFS
considering increasing salt intake should consult a nutritional doctor before
making a change.

Consider juice therapy. Carrot juice, kelp and bee pollen provide energy if
fatigue is due to low blood pressure.

The power of green whole foods is essential for all day energy, greater focus
under stress, sense of well-being, strengthened immune system, fewer food
cravings and optimum synergistic balance of essential nutrients for total
health. Green whole foods contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids,
active enzymes, bioflavinoids, chlorophyll and other phytonutrients necessary
for optimial cellular metabolism, repair and protection! These ingredients
contain the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain, herb
or food. They contain almost all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes
necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll.

Spirulina Blue Green Algae: Spirulina possesses a complete protein richer than
steak, abundant organically complex minerals, a wide variety of essential
vitamins, and many beneficial enzymes. Spirulina is more than just a food. As
with Chlorella it has been shown to be valuable with almost every aspect of
health. These necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily
assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital
nutrients.Because of algae's high chlorophyll and high nutritional content it is
an excellent part of a cleansing program.

Chlorella Green Algae: Chlorella's tough cell wall protects the valuable nucleus
inside. When it is harvested it is instantly dried and the cell walls are gently
cracked open. The nutrients inside retain full potency. Once in your body, the
cracked open cells release their valuable nutrients. Because it is so easy to
digest, your cells get the full benefit of this nutritional powerhouse. These
necessities are bio-available which means that they are easily assimilated
throughout the digestive tract, giving instant access to vital nutrients. The
algae provides intestinal nourishment and has a soothing and healing effect on
the mucous lining. It works to detoxify and purify our system.

Barley Grass and Wheat Grass: Eating barley and wheat grass is like eating a
plate of green vegetables. These cereal grasses, are harvested young and are
ecologically grown in nutrient rich soil. They are approximately 25% protein and
contains all the essential amino acids, concentrated vitamins, minerals and
fiber. They have been shown to increase our overall health by reducing
intestinal putrefaction and maintaining healthy blood another important
component of cleansing.

Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae: This remarkable plant grows 100% organically in
the Upper Klamath Lake of Oregon. Blue Green Algae has more protein and
chlorophyll by weight than any other plant or animal on earth. Klamath Lake
algae is considered to be the most nutrient rich of the algaes.

What You Should Avoid:

Limit foods that have little or no fiber such as ice cream, cheese, meat, snacks
like chips and pizza, and processed foods such as instant mashed potatoes or
already-prepared frozen dinners. Too much white flour and refined sugar.

What you don�t eat may be even more important than what you do eat. Avoid
alcohol and sugar, because they tend to worsen the situation.

Curb your caffeine. One or two cups of coffee can work to kick you into gear in
the morning, but its benefits usually end there. Too much caffeine is just as
bad as too much of anything. Drinking it throughout the day for an energy boost
can actually backfire. Caffeine makes you feel like you have more energy, but
you really don't. Cut back on caffeine to reduce the high and low effect.

Reduce Processed and Refined Foods:

Avoid fried foods, white pasta, white rice, full fat dairy, white potatoes,
white bread (baguettes, bagels, pita).

Processed food can rob your food of nutrients and vitamins that your body needs
to fight off stress and promote good health. Try to buy whole foods, unprocessed
foods and try and stay away from "instant" foods, preservatives, artificial
flavors, saturated fats, refined foods, hydrogenated food and MSG.

Reduce Sugar Intake:

Too much sugar can rob our body of essential nutrients. Simple carbohydrates
from baked goods, pastries, most crackers and cookies must be limited to a very
small portion or completely removed from the diet.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~

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cfs, chronic fatigue, energy, immune dysfunction

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