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Old 03-20-2011, 12:10 PM
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Question "Greek" Yogurt

Does anyone know the difference between greek yogurt and regular yogurt? Also, what does it mean when the label reads "greek strained"?
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Old 03-20-2011, 12:37 PM
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Greek yogurt is tastier, has thicker consistency and it is supposed to be comparatively more healthy. The real Greek yogurt brand sold in the USA and elsewhere is called Fage:

There are other major American brands that try to imitate the Greek style yogurt, but they didn't come close when I used to eat the stuff.

However you are not meant to drink milk into adulthood, let alone that of other animals. T. Colin Campbell and others have found that the casein in milk and milk products is a promoter of cancer.
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Old 03-20-2011, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Thrasymachus View Post
Greek yogurt is tastier, has thicker consistency and it is supposed to be comparatively more healthy. The real Greek yogurt brand sold in the USA and elsewhere is called Fage:

There are other major American brands that try to imitate the Greek style yogurt, but they didn't come close when I used to eat the stuff.

However you are not meant to drink milk into adulthood, let alone that of other animals. T. Colin Campbell and others have found that the casein in milk and milk products is a promoter of cancer.
Unfortunately, it appears FACGE is now made in upstate NY instead of being imported from greece. Also, The FAGE with honey: when it came from greece, greek honey is awesome.
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Old 03-20-2011, 03:41 PM
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I don't drink milk anymore, and use either rice or almond milk on cereal, but I will continue to eat yogurt as a snack alternative and for the beneficial active cultures. I still am curious as to the difference. What do they do that's special to make it thicker or more healthy? Why is it more expensive, other than being the new "in" craze?
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Old 03-20-2011, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by kind2creatures View Post
I don't drink milk anymore, and use either rice or almond milk on cereal, but I will continue to eat yogurt as a snack alternative and for the beneficial active cultures. I still am curious as to the difference. What do they do that's special to make it thicker or more healthy? Why is it more expensive, other than being the new "in" craze?

My guess is they use a fuller fat milk or let it ferment longer. As for being more healthy: its probably the in craze.
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Old 03-20-2011, 04:05 PM
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Thank you both for your replies.
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Old 03-21-2011, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by kind2creatures View Post
I still am curious as to the difference. What do they do that's special to make it thicker or more healthy? Why is it more expensive, other than being the new "in" craze?
They are made with the exact same process, but greek yogurt is allowed to strain longer. This means it has less liquid and is thicker and creamier.

Health differences:
  • Greek yogurt has more protein
  • Less carbs
  • lower sodium
  • Slightly less calcium
Yogurt in general has a fairly high sugar content, unless you purchase unflavored yogurt. Chobani is my favorite tasting brand, but tends to have a fair amount of sugar, check the label.
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Old 03-21-2011, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by road warrior View Post
Yogurt in general has a fairly high sugar content, unless you purchase unflavored yogurt. Chobani is my favorite tasting brand, but tends to have a fair amount of sugar, check the label.
Thanks road warrior and welcome. I noticed the Kroger brand of greek yogurt was ok with the plain flavor, but all their other flavors were sweetened with Splenda.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by road warrior View Post
They are made with the exact same process, but greek yogurt is allowed to strain longer. This means it has less liquid and is thicker and creamier.

Health differences:
  • Greek yogurt has more protein
  • Less carbs
  • lower sodium
  • Slightly less calcium
Yogurt in general has a fairly high sugar content, unless you purchase unflavored yogurt. Chobani is my favorite tasting brand, but tends to have a fair amount of sugar, check the label.

Thanks, I was wondering this myself!
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:58 PM
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Just bought a container of Chobani Raspberry greek yogurt. Compared to Kroger Cherry regular yogurt, the Chobani has 19g of sugar, and the Kroger has 32g. Look like the greek yogurt overall is the healthier one to eat, too bad it's so highly priced.
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