But at the gym, I met a guy who lives in Savanah and I asked him if he ever went to her restauarnt and he said yes and it sucks and he also had a business dealing with her and said she is obnoxious and arrogant.
She is not a true southerner, she uses that accent as a selling point and in real life she is arrogant and her food sucks. Southern food is BBQ, greens, frid chicken, okra not fvcking hamburgers with a donut as the bun. She pimps to see how many calories she can get in a bite
I did notice her foods were high in sugar/carbs. Any person who is powerful like that typically is type A. They are task oriented and get the job done. On screen I liked her. She always had a lovely smile.
I did notice her foods were high in sugar/carbs. Any person who is powerful like that typically is type A. They are task oriented and get the job done. On screen I liked her. She always had a lovely smile.
Hitler had a nice smile also, so did saddam. She said she will soon reveal the diangnosis if she has type 2 diabetes. I could care less, she thinks she is something special and she is a bloated farm animal who cannot cook. I can make a pie with deep fried snickers snackers but why would I?
I don't dislike her that much, but her cooking is indeed very unhealthy. The good thing is, it seems like her son who is also a chef, is taking a more health inspired road with his recipes. I think he tries to half the fat and sugar that's in his mom's dishes.
__________________ "Don't regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many"
She finally admits she has type 2 diabetes and also has admitted she hates exercising. All her shows start off with Hi y'all, let's take a pound of butter and 2 pounds of sugar and a pound of bleached self rising white flour.
Maybe it is her age, I have no clue, but if I had that money: I would be in Hawaii for a 3 month period living on raw fish dishes and hiking, biking (and of course drinking).
I for one have nothing against her cooking. We all eat “sin food” sometimes. My problem is with her absolute lack of integrity, seeing that she’ll endorse ANYTHING to make a buck, including Big Pharma. She’s a huckster, not a chef.
Excercise! Silly boy, haven't you heard there's a new pill for that??
I heard something, however, this was in 1990. I was taking an exercise physiology class for the hell of it and the prof told us that they use to say aerobic exercise 3 times a week for 20 minutes was ideal. I said to myself, that sounds flawed. Then they up'd it to 25 minutes 3 times a week and now studies show 45 minutes 5 times a week is ideal. Exercise is the key to may things