� #1
Old 02-20-2013, 07:07 AM
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Default Making Drug-Free Milk Illegal

Natural health has no true friends with either the Republicans or the Democrats so its clean sweep after clean sweep against the public health and for Big Pharma that wants to drug up everything we eat and drink, especially milk. Take a look at this:

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� #2
Old 02-21-2013, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ajax View Post
Natural health has no true friends with either the Republicans or the Democrats so its clean sweep after clean sweep against the public health and for Big Pharma that wants to drug up everything we eat and drink, especially milk. Take a look at this:


So long as people (probably on this very forum) think there is a need for a GOVERNMENT FDA, then they will always overstep their bounds.
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Old 02-21-2013, 12:29 PM
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People have been drinking raw milk for how many centuries? This is not about safety rather it is about control.

Drug companies want to make money, to do that they need you to buy their products, to do that they need you to be sick, to do that they need to eliminate anything that would promote natural health, to do that they need to demonize anything that is not made from a bunch of chemicals in their labs, to do that we are subjected to endless propaganda telling us not to trust anything that they haven�t pre-approved.
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Old 02-24-2013, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by limitme View Post
So long as people (probably on this very forum) think there is a need for a GOVERNMENT FDA, then they will always overstep their bounds.

Bravo Brother, Bravo!!
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #5
Old 02-22-2013, 05:46 AM
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Drink raw occasionally. Actually owned the cow for a year. The taste is INCREDIBLE! During the winter months it tastes as if there are greens in it!

Over a year I drank raw milk. Stopped when we decided to do less dairy. But I believe the enzymes that weren't killed helped our digestions.

I don't understand why our government is so bent on foolish measures.

I got reports on the tests of the milk "lot." His cows behinds were clean!! Not hooked up to milkers 24/7 while infections leached into the milk (which makes antibiotics necessary that we are ALL now resistant to--THAT should be illegal).

I would definitely go back but I am doing raw goat milk, now. No worries here. I worry more about some family members cooking for their parties than this.

I will happily sign a petition to out the FDA. No longer necessary. And I believe more people are aware they are NOT doing their job and they are OWNED by large corporations doing what ever they please. NO MORE FDA.
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