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� #1 �
Old 09-06-2009, 03:14 AM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Virginia
Posts: 47
greenmom is on a distinguished road
Smile In memory of Mother: Sugar, calories, and eating

Mother used to always scold my brothers and me when we ate our food too fast.
�Slow down�don�t gobble your food,� said Mother. �You�ll get indigestion.�
After having three children, I did put on some weight. Of course, Mother noticed. She would make a comment about it. �Sharon, you�re getting kind of big! Maybe, if you ate your food slowly, you won�t eat as much.�
Mother had always stayed thin throughout her life. She did take longer to eat her food than anyone else. I tried to copy her example, but I just could not eat that slowly.
According to Dr. Kathleen Melanson, an associate professor (food and science) from the University of Rhode Island, did a study of thirty obese women. The results from this study showed women ingested 67 fewer calories and felt more satisfied after taking 29 minutes to eat a meal than when they took nine minutes to consume the same meal.
Meals should be savored by taking smaller bites�chewing thoroughly�pausing between bites�and consuming calorie-free beverages, such as water or unsweetened tea, with the meal.
Many times Mother would have a glass of water with her meals. However, when it came to drinking tea, Mother used processed sugar to sweeten her tea.
She was not aware and neither was I, about the health risks associated when adding sugar in one�s diet.

The following is a short list of excess sugar�s metabolic consequences, as it relates to the elderly, supported by documentation.
Sugar can cause premature aging.

Lee, A. T.and Cerami A. The Role of Glycation in Aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Science.1992;663:63-70

Sugar can weaken eyesight.

Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. Mar 2002;48;25. Taub, H. Ed. Sugar Weakens Eyesight, VM NEWSLETTER;May 1986:06:00

Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.

Tj�derhane, L. and Larmas, M. A High Sucrose Diet Decreases the Mechanical Strength of Bones in Growing Rats. Journal of Nutrition. 1998:128:1807_1810.

Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
Pamplona, R., et al. Mechanisms of Glycation in Atherogenesis. Medical Hypotheses . 1990:00:00 174_181.

Vaccaro O., Ruth, K. J. and Stamler J. Relationship of Postload Plasma Glucose to Mortality with 19 yr Follow up. Diabetes Care. Oct 15,1992;10:328_334.
Tominaga, M., et al, Impaired Glucose Tolerance Is a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease, but Not Fasting Glucose. Diabetes Care. 1999:2(6):920-924.
Sugar can make your skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
Dyer, D. G., et al. Accumulation of Maillard Reaction Products in Skin Collagen in Diabetes and Aging. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1993:93(6):421_22.

Sugar can cause cataracts and nearsightedness.
Dyer, D. G., et al. Accumulation of Maillard Reaction Products in Skin Collagen in Diabetes and Aging. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1993:93(6):421_22.
Veromann, S.et al."Dietary Sugar and Salt Represent Real Risk Factors for Cataract Development." Ophthalmologica. 2003 Jul-Aug;217(4):302-307.
Sugar can cause emphysema.
Monnier, V. M. Nonenzymatic Glycosylation, the Maillard Reaction and the Aging Process. Journal of Gerontology. 1990:45(4):105_110.

Sugar can increase your risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Frey, J. Is There Sugar in the Alzheimer's Disease? Annales De Biologie Clinique. 2001; 59 (3):253-257.
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� #2 �
Old 09-06-2009, 05:25 AM
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Default Mother!

Yeah, my mom always told me to slow down too. I was always in a hurry
to do just about everything including eating.
However I've tried chewing my food longer and more thoroughly, but the
food just finally slides down my throat. These days, I do try to take
longer between bites/spoonfulls depending on the food being eaten. I've
found that if I eat about 5 to 7 bites, then get up to do something else
like washing the pots, taking out the garbage, getting my mail,
etc that I actually do feel somewhat fuller sooner and so end up
eating less. So far haven't noticed any weight loss though. LOL!
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
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� #3 �
Old 09-06-2009, 08:14 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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SkyBlue is on a distinguished road

Chewing thorougly is very much a part of macrobiotic philosophy. Chewing each bite about 50 times is recommended. It is explained that food is not digested properly if each bite is not to the soupy point.

When I started changing my diet at around age 25, I had inactive salivary glands. I had to actually take my tongue and massage around in my mouth in order to activate the saliva. Geez, no wonder I was so sick along with candida and leaky gut. It took a long time to train myself to chew my food. So, it seems natural that chewing slowly is more conducive to the food getting digested in the mouth before it makes it descent.

To this day I still can't seem to make it to the 50 mark with chewing but I do eat with enough awareness so that my food doesn't go down dry.
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� #4 �
Old 09-06-2009, 12:22 PM
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greenmom is on a distinguished road
Default In memory of Mother: Sugar, calories, and eating

Dear EarlyBird,

Yes, I have tried to eat slower, too. It has helped to get up and do something and then return to eating my meal. I've had less problems with indigestion.
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� #5 �
Old 09-08-2009, 10:21 AM
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I do agree with all the negatives of refined sugar, however, eating slow has little to do with being obese.

Fungus and mycotoxins, fueled by antibiotics, refined sugar, and alcohol have alot to do with weight gain.
Let Food Be Your Medicine And Medicine Be Your Food.(Hippocrates)
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� #6 �
Old 09-08-2009, 02:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
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greenmom is on a distinguished road
Default In memory of Mother: Sugar, calories, and eating

Thanks...for the input...pinball doctor...
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� #7 �
Old 08-22-2011, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

Ive been chewing like this since Ever,and i remember when i was a kid everyone would eat and leave the table and id feel weirds sitting there still chewing and chewing,always the last to finish...

but pretty soon my mom asked a doctor about it and he said im doing very good by doing that,so she let me and never pushed me...i did that naturally by myself,and i still do it,but its weirds i mean i even chew soup which is the weirdest,i mean the small veggies or the white stuff in soup,i grind my teeth chewinglike,when i was a kid i was always perfect weight and generally never sick or nothing...now im underweight but that has nothing to do with chewing food...

i do reccomend it for weight loss,and for people that have a problem going to the bathroom,if you chew your food well than smaller pieces go to your stomach,and your body needs less energy to break it all down and divide what you need from it and dispose the rest,so going to the bathroom becomes more frequent and better...i highly reccomend it

sources: a lifetime of doing it,on my own since year 1
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aging, calories, elderly, sugar

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