� #1
Old 08-10-2011, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Default A Friend Using Sustane Steroids


I have a friend who was injecting steroids for bulking up at the gym. He was only supposed to do short cycles of Sustane 300, but stopped giving himself breaks. I don't know how long he has been taking them, maybe over a year or so. He is 41 years old and has good health.

Well, he stopped taking them and has been in a testosterone crash for weeks and weeks experiencing all kinds of side effects from the crash. I got him interested in fixing this problem naturally.

What can he do to get his testosterone levels back on track naturally? Can you give me a step by step list for him?

I know this topic is probably out of the ordinary, but I want to help someone so they don't go getting unnatural products from the doctor to boost testosterone or worse, continue taking the steroids. Thanks for your help.

So far, I found this information: https://www.nutragenics.net/bestbody%...cyclesupps.htm and https://www.vikingbodybuilding.com/ho...els-naturally/

Should he do a combination of all of the above?

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� #2
Old 08-11-2011, 04:48 PM
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It was probably not a good idea to completely stop taking it all at once, especially since he didn't cycle, but instead took it for over a year straight.

I read threw the list and some of them I'm pretty sure have been proven to be myths like soy.

I honestly don't think these things are going to help like what he was taking. I also think most natural supplements take time, so he's probably going to be suffering for awhile. He could possibly take a little bit of DHEA or andro and slowly decrease the dosage as time goes on. Not sure if that's good advice, because I've never meet a person who's taken it for a year straight.
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