I do not claim to have any great psychic ability; actually I started out more on the skeptic side. However many a year ago at the place where I worked during our lunch and break periods we managed to discuss/argue a wide range of topics. It was a good group, always quite interesting and everyone learned from them.
My questioning of conventional wisdom started when someone brought in a book on the Great pyramid. It when through all the typical descriptions and theories but then it went into all the mathematical numbers and relationships that are encoded into it. Stuff that the ancient Egyptians weren�t suppose to have known. The one thing that has always stuck in my mind was the standard explanation that the ancient Egyptians went to their favorite stone quarry and with their copper and stone chisels chopped out a minimum of 2 ton blocks, carefully dressed them to size, dragged them 20 miles to the building site, then using robes and levers raised the stones into place.
The same experts that also tell us that it took them 25 years to build the pyramid and that it contains 2.5 million stone, give or take one or two. So out curiosity I wondered how many stones was that per day, assuming a 10-hour workday, this is just simple arithmetic. So if they work day-in and day-out for 25 years all they had to do was cut, move and place stones at the rate of about one stone
every 2 minutes! Clearly the stone and copper chisel theory just doesn�t hack it. Obviously there is a major disconnect here between the official story and reality.
This then raised the question are there other things we except a fact, yet are wrong? When our discussions turned to Edger Casey here again conventional wisdom said he had to be a fake and was just fooling people. Except that all his readings were recorded and when he gave a health reading and if the person followed his advice rarely did it not work.
About this time the local library offered a series of lectures on different psychic phenomena. There was an expert palm reader who gave a lecture by continually referring to a paperback book.

Then there was the psychic who told us in great detail how great he was and we all should sign up for a personal reading. Of course when his ability or methods were questioned he became quite annoyed. :P There were a few other memorable ones that I have completely forgot.
However the one that I most distinctly remember was by a guy from Silva Mind Control. Now called the Silva Method � makes it sounds less threatening. He clearly described the program, the fact he was one of the instructors probably had a little bit to do that. He had no problem answering difficulty questions and obviously was not threatened when someone did not accept what he had to say. He made the point that everyone is free to except or reject whatever he had to say.
Eventually I wound up taking the course. It was four, 12-hour days on two consecutive weekends. Also once you have taken the course you can go back retake it as often as you what for free.
This is some of the things covered. The first day we were taught relaxation techniques; how to promote physical and mental heath and control tension and headache, etc. Recall your dreams and use them for problem solving.
The second day was for general self-improvement. We learned different memory techniques such as being able to recall names. Do you think if I read you a list of 100 names that you could remember them and turn around and call them back to me and in the same order? YOU CAN. Plus a number of other techniques for a better memory and problem solving. Also learned how to control habits such as, smoking, weight, etc.
The third day we mentally explored plant and animal life and created a mental laboratory for problem solving.
The forth day we practiced what we had learned correcting problems in plant and animal/humans. �remote healing�
By the way Xania if you are around how is the eye problem?
Soon found myself doing things that were �quote� technical imposable. Such as an Edgar Casey type of reading on a person who I did not know and was not present. Yet the person who was working with me did know her and confirmed my reading of her problem.
Another interesting experience was when our group was asked to sit in a circle and mentally send �energy� to the person on our left. This produced the sensation that I was being slammed into the space between my body and the person to my left. A really
weird feeling, but it did demonstrate the power of the mind.
I still frequently use the relaxation and health maintenance techniques
Anyway now if some expert says that something absolutely totally impossible I now take that with a grain of salt.
Here are some quotes you might enjoy their from a book called
Illusions � the adventures of a reluctant messiah.
[The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.]
[You are never given a wish without the power to make it true. However! You may have to work for it.]
[Argue for your limitations and sure enough they�re yours.]
[Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just a well a you. We are all learners, doers, teachers.]
[Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth I finished; If you are alive it isn�t.]