Something big, possibly financial, is due to take place on Oct 25 or 26th. It could
begin abroad somewhere and gradually work it's way to the US. Since it's the
weekend when our markets are closed, it could have to do with the collapse of
the US Dollar and possible selling by Asian markets which are ahead of us
timewise. I don't know anymore than this, but there is alot of talk about China
encouraging their people to buy gold/silver. China holds billions of US debt and
US bonds. So stay alert; you might want to stock up on some extra food, water,
etc. just in case. I'll report more if/when I find out more.
I hope you all will too if you hear any rumors.
These are very periless times.
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
I�ve been reading were a few countries are backing away from using the dollar as a world currency. If that trend continues we could in for some really interesting times.
Well, we got by this weekend thankfully, but any weekend will do. I'm wondering
if they'll wait to see if Congress passes a Health Care bill which would raise the
deficit even higher.
I am pretty sure we are in for some inflation at least as bad as the 70's & 80's and a good chance it will be worse.
When it happens is not easily nailed down, but it is virtually guaranteed to happen. In order for it not to happen would require government to curtail spending severely.
I cannot remember that happening in my life time. I do not think it is going to happen now either.
Real estate is cheap now, and will be a hard asset that will hold value better than most assets, through inflationary times. You can also grow food on it, if times get that bad.
D Bergy,
It just occured to me that to grow your own food you need water. If everyone shuts down that will probably mean the city water systems too...the pump systems. So, unless you live next to a water source, a spring or a river, it could be tough. I know, I always seem to see the negative side...sorry! For the first time in many years I live on property with a garden spot, and I love to garden, but have to depend on my kids to do the work since I get out of breath just looking at it!
I live in the land of ten thousand lakes, so we really do not think about lack of water. It is everywhere.
I hate gardening also. I only grow things I can eat. I will not grow flowers of anything else that needs my attention, that does not produce food. I do like to eat it.
The dollar is basically collapsing and according to a buddy of mine (who is an accountant who use to specialize in currency coversions), the dollar is poised to fall 10-15% in the very near future. The best thing they could do would be to slap 10% tariffs on all imports and use that money to reduce the debt, but that would be great for america in the long run, but not so great for the multinationals and fed reserve.
In the 70's the money supply was increased by 13% if I remember correctly.
After a couple of years of this, it led to the fed to raise interest rates to 20+% to sop up excess liquidity. The excess money is simply destroyed, to make it worth something again. Simple supply/demand. After some painful years, it did stabilize the dollar.
Our money supply has been increased by 120% in the past couple of years.
If the fed rate went up to 20% with a 13% increase in money supply, you can imagine what kind of interest rates are coming very soon with a 120% increase of money supply.
This is an unprecedented event in U.S. history, but Germany did do something similar and we know what happened after that debacle.
Yeah, and supposedly Japan too is trying to get out of the dollar.
And China is encouraging it's citizens to buy Gold AND Silver!
What does the US citizen get from it's Government? Happy talk that
everything is improving - slowly. Hmmmmmmm?
I heard china is taking US dollars and converting them to gold big time as well as telling its citizens to buy silver. Right now they are artifically propping up the dollar.