Did anyone besides me hear on national news - NBC/ABC last night that it's
now suspected that ADHD in children is caused by pesticides and herbicides
sprayed on many fruits and veggies?
If you know anyone who doesn't watch the evening national new networks,
you might let them know this info. It should be available on their websites too.
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Thanks, Ted! I think blueberries and strawberries were mentioned as
perhaps the worst offenders in the fruit catagory; peaches too!
Hey, I'm also beginning to wonder if possibly Alzheimers might also be due to pesticides/herbicides? Or at least partly?
There's been such an increase in it too, for seniors.
What do you all think of this possibility?
Pesticides, food additives and vaccines. All are capable of disturbing the nervous system.
Currently an 8 week old baby receives 19 vaccines, looks like less but some shots have 4 or more in one. This is a huge assault on the immune system and nervous system. Mercury is out of most of it now but aluminum is still in... not to mention all the other crapola.
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I think its a combination of all of the chemicals that they force into our bodies... either by vaccines or by putting it in the foods we eat... The more chemicals that we have to live with, the more problems we will have
__________________ God is and all is well
~John Greenleaf Whittier~
Doug Kaufmann on Know the Cause tv show says that hyperactivity is caused by Amoxicillin - an antibiotic given to children like candy by pediatricians. Hyperactivity is a listed side effect of this antibiotic but that doesn't stop them from prescribing it.
__________________ Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies, of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing at all.
I'm allergic to Amoxicillin and Cipro. one made me horribly and the other made my skin burn like on fire.
I just eat my daily fresh garlic and never need antibiotics.
Ok. When is someone going to come out and say ADHD comes from:
1. Bad parents
2. Poor nutrition
3. Lack of exercise
Oh and #4 would be THE DRUG COMPANIES brain child
I'm not sure I would blame the parents! However I am willing to believe that your other 3 listed reasons is responsible. Especially #4 Drug Companies! Like I said above Amoxycillan given out to children like candy.
I am certain that parenting has nothing to do with it.
ADHD is pretty extreme. These kids cannot sit still.
I cared for one once who wore a helmut and he banged into walls all day. They claimed he was intelligent but just so persistantly agitated. There are many levels of this... it is a spectrum disorder.
My son used to bang his head on the floor when 2 years old. Homeopathy cured him in just a week or two of remedies. Homeopathy has helped a lot of these kind of kids too.
I get a magazine called Acres, its for the agricultural community. They had an article in it about Strawberries... I will type this out for you so you understand how extreme this is!
Danger! Proposed Surgeon General's Warning for (NON-ORGANIC) Strawberries
Average Pesticide and Fertilizer use on 2006 California Strawberries: 9,274,453 pounds of pesticides used at an average of 279.44 lbs. per acre on 33,190 acres. This is the highest average pesticide use on any fruit or vegetable! Two of the top five pesticides are probable carcinogens. All five of the top chemcials cause multiple birth defects. Five pesticides account for more than 90% of use on California strawberries. The most used pesticide was Chloropicrin, or tear gas.
Second most used pesticide was Methyl Bromide, the ozone destroyer. 92.3% of berries tested had pesticide residues. 69.2% of berries tested had two or more residues. Of the 109 pesticides used on strawberries, 38 were detectable on berry samples. Some strawberry samples had as many as 8 residues. Strawberries were the second-most pesticide contaminated fruit in the EWG study. Fertilizer use averaged 350 pounds of Nitrogen fertilizer per acre on costal lands, which drain into the ocean. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main cause of nitrate water pollution, dead zones in the ocean $ greenhouse gas polluton. Pregnant women, children and the elderly are the most at risk from the use of this fruit! Sources: Califronia EPA, DPR and CDFA, Environmental Working Group, U.S.EPA.
Mechanisms of Neuroprotective Action of Vitamin D3 This paper explains the mechanisms by which higher vitamin D status offers better neuroprotection. This is particularly important for people experiencing higher levels of danger from increased levels of pesticide residues.
Parenting certainly isn't a 'cause' but it leads to an interesting point in that it's important to get kids outside to play in the sun and natural surroundings.
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The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease