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Old 10-06-2011, 10:05 AM
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Exclamation Medication Madness (Dangers of Anti-Depressants)

Interesting hour on the Coast show last night with Dr. Breggin. He talked about the dangers of taking, changing doses and withdrawal of anti-depressant drugs. He also mentioned the same possibility of violent/suicidal behavior with those who use Xanax. Numbing of one's feelings with these drugs seems to be one the major dangers.

He's written a book Medication Madness, probably worth reading for those taking these prescription drugs like Prozac. He stresses that nobody should ever come off of these drugs without professional guidance and assistance from friends and family. Here's his website, and an article about a teenager that killed a friend while under the influence of anti-depressants.



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anti-depressants, behavior, prozac, suicide, violence, xanax

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