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Old 11-13-2011, 04:27 PM
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Thumbs up Apples for Brain Health (Memory/Alzheimer's)

We've been enjoying some tasty Braeburn apples lately. Here's some more good reasons to eat/drink these healthy fruits...

In 2006, Dr. Thomas Shea, director of the Center for Cellular Neurobiology & Neurodegeneration Research at the University of Massachusetts, claimed that apple juice can have the same effect as a popular Alzheimer's drug on the production of chemicals in the brain that prompt memory. Not only that, but other studies at the same university have proven that regular consumption of apples can protect neurons from the natural damage that comes with aging, and it also can improve nerve cell communication in the brain that miraculously prevents and even reverses some signs of Alzheimer's disease. "The findings of the present study show that consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as apples and apple juice can help reduce problems associated with memory loss," Dr. Shea says.

Apples are becoming increasingly associated with brain health after more recent studies have proven the multiple activity and effect of antioxidants and flavonoids present in apples on reducing brain-cell inflammation and oxidation that occurs naturally due to the presence of free radicals. Levels of acetylcholine - a specific neurotransmitter that greatly influences brain signals responsible for movement and sensory perception - heighten with the regular consumption of as much as two apples a day. Not only that, but regular consumption as such was discovered to diminish accumulations of toxins in the brain, particularly one type of toxin called beta-amyloid, which is thought to be one of the main culprits that cause Alzheimer's disease.

In a study conducted with 21 people afflicted with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer`s disease (which required each of the patients to consume 236 ml of apple juice every day for a month) it was discovered that these patients had reduced anxiety, agitation, and symptoms of delusion. Not only that, but records showed that both behavioral and psychotic symptoms of the patients fell by as much as 27% by the time their month was over.

More about Apple Fruit: https://www.natmedtalk.com/wiki/Apple_Fruit
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alzheimer's, apples, brain, dementia, memory

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