� #1
Old 12-28-2011, 01:47 PM
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Default Irritation and Anger- Please help!

Hello to all!

I am a 23 year old female. For the past 4 months, I've been very irritated and angry at everyone in my life. For absolutely no reason, I get emotional and sensitive and cry about everything. It's come to a point where my sudden upset-ness, anger, and irritation are now ruining all the relationships in my life. Even my fiance is fed up and is considering ending everything. I am not sure why I feel this way and I want it to stop. I am completely healthy and all my physical levels are normal (thyroid, sugar, cholesterol, RBC and WBC count etc.) I am not taking any medications besides the daily multivitamins and am completely vegetarian.

I have this whole attitude of "I don't care anymore" and when people ask why, I just reply and say "i don't know" to everything! I even get irritated when people start to talk! I just want to be away from everyone and everything, just wanting to be alone. I know this attitude is wrong and I just don't know what to do anymore. I snap at everything and everyone. It seems like everything just makes me mad.

I am a Master's student in Genetics and I've lost ALL motivation to complete it. I've lost all motivation to do anything in my life. I just feel like sitting all day at home and lying in bed and going to sleep. If I could, I could sleep for 10-12 hours a day.

Please let me know what could be the underlying problem. I do have an appointment with my doctor soon but I would like to hear some ideas. I have thought of some incidences from my life that could make me feel this way but there has been nothing so big to cause all this irritation and anger. Please let me know what you think. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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� #2
Old 12-28-2011, 04:09 PM
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Welcome to the forum pchopra. Here's an older thread that may help a bit. It includes some thoughts and suggestions, including herbal. I know you'll get some good advice here on the forum, please don't start on any prescription medications like relaxants or anti-depressants, they are dangerous for your health physically, mentally and emotionally.

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� #3
Old 12-28-2011, 05:08 PM
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Something to look at is your sugar and caffeine consumption. If you have sugar spikes in your blood you're setting yourself up for mood disturbances. We weren't made to consume the amount of sugar in the typical American diet. Avoid high fructose corn syrup. Caffeine can cause insulin spikes as well. If you need something warm and a little stimulating in the morning try green tea or exercise. Exercise every day to keep your neurotransmitters functioning properly. A nice 2 mile walk will be beneficial.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:18 PM
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Its hard to say what's going on with you from our perspective...

It could have an environmnental cause or it could be psychological.

If its evnvironement I suggest that you really work on changing your diet and detoxing. You need to cut out usless carbs and increaing raw foods and fresh juices. This can really change your mental state to the better. Diet change added with exercise can make for a new person with a wholely new outlook on their goals and purpose.

A good physical exam my reveal something ...or not. You should have your thyroid function checked as well as a vitamin D3 level checked.

If it is psychological you will have to figure it out.
There comes a time for many of us that we have to cut the rope with our relatives and even some of our friends.

are your friends and relatives supportive to who you are? or who you want to be? are you living under false pretenses about purpose and dreams?

Eventually one has to grow up and become who they are and put aside what family and even friends think. Is it time for you to become your own person?

Sometimes a real catharis is required to break bonds that hold you back. Once you are free within your own psychology and your own person you can then approach friends and relatives with a new perspective... that still can be kind and compassionate. They wont be able to control or manipulate you anymore and you will be free to be exactly who you are without feeling like you are not good enough.

I dont know what your issue is .. you will have to figure it out. Either way we can support you here.
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� #5
Old 12-30-2011, 06:37 AM
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As you are a vegetarian, I suspect you are lacking in the complete spectrum of B vitamins. B vitamins govern the emotions. Lack of B vitamins causes depression, and lack of motivation, lack of energy and leads to ill health. B12 is particularly important for you. You can request an injection from a doctor to get a good jump start. B12 needs to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, not through the digestive tract. If you don't want an injection, you can buy sub lingual tablets or nasal gel. However, an injection will immediately give you a big boost for 3-5 days.
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