� #1
Old 10-10-2012, 11:09 AM
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Default Extremely Restless sleep

I am an extremely restless sleeper.

I scream in my sleep and talk a lot. Last night I yelled out something (can't remember). It is usually something that indicates I am having an intense dream in which I'm arguing or something.

Last night I punched my wife in the kidney in my sleep. It wasn't hard. I saw "swinging" in my dream and it it came out in my sleep. Not good.

It's like I'm in a constant nightmare. My dreams are usually paranoid in nature, in that I'm going up against something or something is out to get me. but I don't dislike them. I've always liked intense dreams.

Explaining this now... well, it sure sounds like I got a bit of crazy in me

I take ambien at night, because otherwise I have insomnia. I'm in recovery from being an addict to I used to just self-medicate myself until I got tired and fell asleep. Now, my mind races too much and I need something to get me to relax. I've tried trazadone - doesn't work for me. I've tried melatonin. Not the best either. With those 2 I just wake up really groggy but it's still hard to get to the point of falling asleep.

Last week I ran out of ambien and actually got to sleep the first 2 nights using this OTC sleep aid, but then the next 2 nights it didn't work as well.

Anyway, any tips on better sleep? I know I need to improve my diet and exercise. I'm taking an antidepressant currently as well. I would prefer NOT to, but I just got out of a bad situation and I'm giving myself time to heal from it before trying to do it all on my own, if that makes sense.
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:03 PM
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Ted Hutchinson has posted some amazing research on melatonin and sleep factors. Try doing a search.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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Old 10-10-2012, 01:39 PM
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I use a sleep blend herbal capsule by Solaray that works pretty well. Melatonin will make your dreams even more intense, good or bad ones. Here's some suggestions on use of herbs, vitamins for sleep...https://www.natmedtalk.com/wiki/Insomnia
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� #4
Old 10-10-2012, 04:12 PM
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You can try Cammomil, Green, Naranjo Agrio, and pretty much any other kind of relaxing tea. They work. Especially if you add a bit of warm milk to it.

If you aren't into tea (not for everyone, trust me I know, sometimes you wanna dump a boatload of sugar in it, and that doesn't help!) then try hot cocoa.

Other than that... think happy thoughts, and if possible get in a late night "quicky" (If it helps you'll be guaranteed to get more every night ) those put me right to sleep relaxed all the time!

As a recovering addict, you are taking the wrong approach... You should stay away from any kind of pharmaceutical, sedative, pill or tonic. You don't want to become addicted to those....

Barring the above, exercise, if you are inclined to punch in your sleep, invest in a punching bag and kick the crap out of it for 20 to 30 mins before you go to sleep.
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� #5
Old 10-19-2012, 08:12 AM
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I've been taking melatonin for years and honestly even time release doesn't last through the night. I think many teas and herbs seem to help me more or maybe it's a cycle.
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� #6
Old 10-19-2012, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by jbo View Post
I've been taking melatonin for years and honestly even time release doesn't last through the night. I think many teas and herbs seem to help me more or maybe it's a cycle.
You've been taking melatonin to sleep? Man... I don't think that has ever been effective for enough people to call it a good suggestion for sleep.

I know TONS of people that have taken it without success...

Nothing like a good Valium.. Problem is it is addictive, and of course not too good for the health if you take it everyday for an extended period of time.
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