I am an extremely restless sleeper.
I scream in my sleep and talk a lot. Last night I yelled out something (can't remember). It is usually something that indicates I am having an intense dream in which I'm arguing or something.
Last night I punched my wife in the kidney in my sleep. It wasn't hard. I saw "swinging" in my dream and it it came out in my sleep. Not good.
It's like I'm in a constant nightmare. My dreams are usually paranoid in nature, in that I'm going up against something or something is out to get me. but I don't dislike them. I've always liked intense dreams.
Explaining this now... well, it sure sounds like I got a bit of crazy in me
I take ambien at night, because otherwise I have insomnia. I'm in recovery from being an addict to I used to just self-medicate myself until I got tired and fell asleep. Now, my mind races too much and I need something to get me to relax. I've tried trazadone - doesn't work for me. I've tried melatonin. Not the best either. With those 2 I just wake up really groggy but it's still hard to get to the point of falling asleep.
Last week I ran out of ambien and actually got to sleep the first 2 nights using this OTC sleep aid, but then the next 2 nights it didn't work as well.
Anyway, any tips on better sleep? I know I need to improve my diet and exercise. I'm taking an antidepressant currently as well. I would prefer NOT to, but I just got out of a bad situation and I'm giving myself time to heal from it before trying to do it all on my own, if that makes sense.