Halloween and Mental Health
OK, so Halloween is just around the corner and I personally love Halloween.
So, I was doing some deep thinking, and trying to figure out just what it was exactly that I liked about Halloween...
And you know, it really wasn't about the candy, although that's a nice bonus lol.
I like the idea of Halloween, it allows people to be more free. Hiding behind a mask, one can come out of their shell so to speak and do and say what they want, regardless of how crazy they think it is, without fear of consequence because it's Halloween and you are supposed to be out of the ordinary.
I think this could be pretty good therapy actually, letting off steam once a year, go ahead, rebel, dress up in leather, be the badass, be the doctor, or just throw on a cape!
I think that's what really draws me to Halloween, you are free. Free from judgment, you can pretty much do what you want and it will be accepted because it is Halloween..
But what's the psychological reasoning behind this? Why can people be more accepting of differences on Halloween and not on an ongoing basis?
I think it would be an awesome idea to have a year round Halloween Town. They have Santa's Village after all.. I think it could be pretty therapeutic.
I mean, blowing off steam is a good thing, and why should we only get to do it once a year?