FDA Warns AGAINST breast thermography
Sigh, FDA strikes again! This article from the July 4, 2011, issue of the National Enquirer:
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning women not to substitute thermography for mammography as a screening tool for breast cancer.
"Unlike mammography - an X-ray of the breast - thermography produces an infrared image that should not be used as a stand-alone method, says the FDA.
"Some health care providers claim it is superior because it does not require radiation exposure or breast compression. But the FDA encourages women to continue getting regular mammograms.
"'While there is plenty of evidence that mammography is effective in breast cancer detection, there is simply no evidence that thermography can take its place,' cautions the FDA's Dr. Helen Barr."
However, according to Dr. Nan Fuchs of Women's Health Letter, thermography actually detects problems sooner and at a smaller size than mammography, without the dangers of radiation and the possibility of popping a tumor and spreading the cancer.