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Old 07-19-2011, 08:38 AM
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Default Can menopause really be treated naturally?

Can menopause really be treated naturally?
By R. Elizabeth C. Kitchen (Yahoo Contributor) � Wed Jul 13 3:58pm PDT

Drenching hot flashes, mood swings that drive you batty, insomnia that has you staring at the ceiling all night and the dreaded weight gain. Yes, menopause is upon you. Your doctor may often recommend some treatments that are often helpful in alleviating some of your symptoms, but if you are looking for a more natural approach, there are several purported remedies as well. But, can menopause really be treated naturally? Here we will explore this question, the most common natural remedies and discuss if they really are effective for menopausal symptoms.

Before Trying a Natural Treatment for Menopause
Natural does not automatically equal safe. If you take any prescription medications, there is a chance that certain natural remedies may adversely interact with one of your medications. Also, certain natural remedies may adversely interact with each other. Some natural treatments should also be avoided by people with certain medical conditions. So, before you start any natural remedies talk to your doctor about the ones you are interested in so that he or she can help you determine if the remedy or treatment is safe for you.

Behavioral Changes for Menopause
This is a type of natural treatment that will require you to change some things you do throughout your day to help alleviate your symptoms. This mainly helps with hot flashes. Avoid alcohol, coffee and spicy foods to help keep cool. Also try to avoid stress or at least keep your stress level as low as possible. Cotton clothing and ice packs can also keep you cool. Before bedtime, do not take hot showers or baths. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques have also been shown to be beneficial in alleviating hot flashes.

Vitamins for Menopause
Talk to your doctor before adding any additional vitamin supplements to avoid vitamin toxicity. Vitamin E is supposed to be good in alleviating hot flashes and vaginal dryness and beneficial for your skin. Vitamin B12, often referred to as the "energy vitamin," may help improve your mental clarity, memory, and of course, your energy levels. Vitamin B5 may help with your energy and stress levels because it is a vitamin critical for adrenal gland health. Fish oil is also said to be beneficial. Omega-3 essential oils are good for your joints, cholesterol level, skin and heart.

Herbs and Natural Supplements for Menopause
Black cohosh is a very controversial natural menopause treatment. This herb is said to be beneficial for alleviating hot flashes, but many believe it may be dangerous. If you are considering this herb, you definitely want to talk to your doctor first.

Evening primrose oil is high in gamma-linolenic acid. This herb is believed to be beneficial for all types of female-related health issues. In terms of menopause, this herb is said to be helpful for hormone health and your skin.

Natural Techniques for Menopause
Some menopausal women report that yoga and acupuncture have helped with some of their menopause symptoms, but these two natural techniques have not been extensively studied yet. Some women report that acupuncture may help relieve hot flashes. Some women report that yoga may be beneficial in alleviating several different menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and depression.
Regular exercise, not just yoga, is important for menopausal women as well. It may help with hot flashes. More importantly, it is important to help maintain good bone density as women grow older and to help keep your weight at a healthy number.

Comments, anyone?

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Old 07-19-2011, 01:46 PM
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I breezed through my menopause with just the use of Red Clover, mainly for hot flashes and the occasional night sweat. Worked great for me! Of course I was already taking fish oil, vitamin E and B-complex for years before that. I strongly believe that exercise is essential too. Walking, yoga, swimming, cycling...all good!

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