Hello Joy, Here's a set of instructions for making ONE 4 oz. bottle of the MMS~Sodium Chlorite. ............................Making one 4 oz. Bottle of MMS1
1~In a small cooking glass bowl place 4 tablespoons of sodium chlorite powder. [ be precise, don't use approx. measurements]
2~Add 3 oz. distilled water; place this on very low heat on stove to dissolve the mix, this takes about 5 minute, stir it with non-metalic spoon, never let it bubble or simmer.
3~Once your mix is completely dissolved remove from heat and let it stand until it cools enough to be placed in fridge, then let it set in fridge for approx 3 hours. When you remove it from the fridge, you might see some of the white powder impurities that has settled to the bottom.
4~Have your 4 oz. colored bottle with a small funnel ready, then carefully remove the bowl from the fridge and very slowly pour off the near clear liquid into the bottle, leave any residue in bowl and discard them.
5~The liquid should be yellow to clear.
------To make 12.6 ounces of the 28% liquid you'd need to use 100 grams or 3.54 oz. of the sodium Chlorite powder, in 9 oz. of distilled water.----------