� #1
Old 03-09-2011, 01:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2
dave87sylvia is on a distinguished road
Default mms1

I was diagnosed with lichen sclerosis, vulvodynia, candida as of 5+ years ago. I had an ulrasound done a year or so ago by a GYN. I was told to follow the protocol#1. Followed it for about 3 weeks in between my job. Was advised to douche with 3 drops of mms and 4 ozs. of water. I was afraid to try. I did try it twice. Do not know how many times to do it????How many weeks? I did it again today. My private area that has been itching is swollen now, but not painful, only when I urinate. My GYN did an ultrasound and wanted to do another test on me, but was not sure about it. WHAT TO I DO ??? Do I get the other test done??? My husband DOES NOT want me to get cut on, a biopsy?????
I tried to take 5 drops last week on time, and went to work and felt light headed, and threw up in her toilet. Came home , laid down, but ended up throwing up again and having diarrhea at the same time....horrible!. Went to bed and a little bit later, threw up again, still lightheaded. Stayed in bed for a while and felt a bit better. Had to work from 6-8 that evening, and felt better.
That was a challenge. Can / will somebody advise me as to what to do?????
By the way, my area that has been itching at times is on the outside, not the inside. Waiting for someone to HELP ME. Thank you:confused
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� #2
Old 03-09-2011, 04:18 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 610
D Bergy will become famous soon enoughD Bergy will become famous soon enough

I use low doses of MMS, although I can easily tolerate higher doses. It is pretty potent, so use low doses if you think it may help.

It will not resolve all problems, but it does work remarkably well for many conditions. Since the cause of lichen sclerosis is unknown, the effectiveness of any particular treatment is shot in the dark at best.

Some think lichen sclerosis is an autoimmune condition, and if it is Low Dose Naltrexone may help. It is going to be trial and error no matter how you go about it. Just be careful in using any treatment.

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