� #1
Old 04-26-2011, 02:40 AM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Posts: 23
rdwhitaker is on a distinguished road
Default Alternate Uses for MMS1 and MMS2

Last Fall we were processing ripe Concord grapes into juice. The fruit flies were as thick as clouds! I made up a low dose of MMS1 (about 6 activated drops) in a small glass bowl, placed it in the box with the grapes, and covered it with a cloth towel. 5 minutes later the fruit flies were completely gone and did not come back while we finished making grape juice! Loved it!

I add about 1 tsp of MMS2 powder to a spray bottle of water and use it in the shower as an anti-mildew spray. It is fantastic. I live in a humid place and shower mildew has always been a problem. This spray not only gets rid of the mildew on the shower curtain and tiles, but it has been the only thing I've found that gets down into the grout and calking to get rid of the persistent black mold that grows there.

Sometimes I toss a tablespoon of MMS2 powder in the washing machine and run it without clothes to clean and freshen it. We have a front loader and it tends to get 'funky' over time.

I had a skin wound on my foot that I was very worried would become infected. I put some MMS2 powder in a pan of hot water and soaked my foot it in. No infection at all. I have also sprinkled some powder on a bandaid and applied it directly to wounds. No pain, no harm done to living tissues, and it cleans up an infected wound very nicely and quickly! Careful, though, not to get any of the powder on rugs, carpets, or clothing - it will leave bleached spots.

We have problems with moles in our yard. I intend to add some MMS2 to a Castor Oil spray I make to get them to go elsewhere. I'm curious if it will help.

Ryan - Vancouver, WA
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� #2
Old 07-16-2011, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 10
nHisService is on a distinguished road

I will try the shower mildew cleaning tomorrow.
I just noticed it is time to hit it with something.

the bathroom light does not shine in the shower well and I think that aids the growth.
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� #3
Old 07-16-2011, 07:55 PM
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thanks rd.

Please let me know how it goes with the mole thing... we have volls that are taking over.. I just got two cats but they prefer to lay around instead of earn their keep... but thier cute factor does helps support their presence.
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alternate uses, mms1, mms2

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