quote.. I am indeed angry and frustrated when I see people believing in something which has no proven benefit or falling for snake oil salesmen who are out there in droves. It could cost them far more than money.
Bill5 You are the only one that is angry and frustrated, the people that have been cured by these so called snake oils as you put it, are very happy that it has worked for them,and that is proof enough for us, and we don't mind paying for things that work, especially if you don't have to take chemical drugs that give you something else to have to take another drug for.
Bill, if you would simply take the time to educate yourself and maybe even try it, you wouldn't waste time trying to argue with people who already know the facts for themselves. I myself am one of them, I don't have time to worry about non-believers! I am too busy helping those who the miracle is already working for.
Bill, if you would simply take the time to educate yourself and maybe even try it, you wouldn't waste time trying to argue with people who already know the facts for themselves. I myself am one of them, I don't have time to worry about non-believers! I am too busy helping those who the miracle is already working for.
OK CHILL! First of all, you are calling us "non-believers" as if MMS is a religion! Secondly, I don't care if you want to take it. I'm not telling you that you need to stop taking mms! I'm just stating the fact that I think it is bad and I would never take it. You are crossing the line when you tell us that we need to accept it and we need to take it. If you want to ingest it, be my guest. But please respect the fact that I won't.
Haven't you people heard of "to each his own"? Stop acting like we are going to hell just because we won't use MMS!
Bill, if you would simply take the time to educate yourself and maybe even try it, you wouldn't waste time trying to argue with people who already know the facts for themselves. I myself am one of them, I don't have time to worry about non-believers! I am too busy helping those who the miracle is already working for.
Ditto my friend.
Best thing to do would be to ignore Bill and Kelly, they are here not to learn about MMS but instead spread ignorant remarks and seed doubt onto the people of this board. Others like us are here to educate when we can (from our own experiences) and offer people in need some guidance and new choices. Don't forget folks, disinfo agents are paid to do this sort of thing...let us not be shadowed by this.
Ditto my friend.
Best thing to do would be to ignore Bill and Kelly, they are here not to learn about MMS but instead spread ignorant remarks and seed doubt onto the people of this board.
Oh I am learning. I am learning that there are even more snake oil salesmen out there than I realized and far more gullible people who will believe them, in fact believe nearly anything as long as it sounds warm and fuzzy, and would literally rather die than consider that they might have been wrong about it. God forbid you look at these miracle cures and magic elixirs with both eyes wide open and expect substantiated evidence/PROOF of the claims these people make about these so-called cures.....no, that's clearly far too difficult and not "fun." It's far more fun to just believe in it for no logical reason whatsoever, and having fun and living in a fantasyland appears to be your approach to healthcare.
Well, to each their own. Enjoy the visions of sugar plum fairies which dance in your heads that you believe will somehow wave a wand and *poof* you'll be cured. Perhaps that's just Darwin in action.
Others like us are here to educate when we can (from our own experiences)
Yes, your alleged experiences are clearly ALL you have to go on, since you can't offer up any actual facts to back your magic products.
I pity such insane attitudes and hope they don't cost you your life.
Thanks AG.
I can't help but chuckle at Bill & Kelly ...Those type often put words in my mouth (I said "maybe even try it", not that they "need to take it.") I can respect the fact that you won't take it or "believe in it", that's not what I said either; what I said is don't go spouting that you know anything when it's obvious you don't and are unwilling to learn. Furthermore, I'm not religious, although "MMS" is now being used under a Church... kinda funny play on words...
Ok ok ok...I didn't mean to put words in your mouth...
But at the same time, saying "non believers" really makes it sound as though you are speaking of something that should be thought of as a spiritual being! I apologize if that isn't the way you meant it, but it sure sounded that way!
I also apologize for saying you were "making us take it". I was steaming anger when I wrote that and I exaggerated a bit. But the truth is that I feel pressured by you to take it...that I am not worthy or something if I don't "believe in it". If I sound like I am pressuring people into not taking mms, forgive me. That is not my intent. My intent is to simply express that I have done my research and I have not cured my skepticism. I choose not to go along with the MMS users. They way you post about Bill and me is as though we are not accepted because of our skepticism.
I still like you all, but I disagree. It seems as though your "liking" of us is somehow hindered by our difference in opinion. That is not a very adult way to interact with people. Forgive me if I am wrong.
Well, Kelly and bill5 are not the only one not willing to learn. That someone does not want to take MMS is fine with me... and there are a few here on this forum. I sit back and watch as they try ineffectively to contend with their diseases.
What is with this "not willing to learn" stuff? It appears you are not willing to understand something... It's not that we are unwilling to learn. It is that we have researched mms and we remain skeptical. Just because someone is educated about MMS doesn't mean he/she will think it is good. People are entitled to their own opinions, especially after studying something. If I teach someone how to swim and he still chooses not to swim, am I going to tell him he is unwilling to learn?
You say that it is fine with you if someone does not want to take MMS. But it doesn't appear to be fine with you if someone refuses to support MMS. I can try to argue your comments and you can try to argue mine. But when it comes down to saying my name and acting as though I am a bad person because of a disagreement is crossing the line. I've been a bit harsh a couple times, but you guys need to read back on your posts too! Think if those comments were said to you instead of Bill and me.
I don't want a war, so let's walk on some common ground. We are all human, we each have our own beliefs and opinions. I think it's time we respect each other instead of constantly quarrel! Guys, I mean we are fighting over a PRODUCT!!! That's really rediculous when you come to think of it.
So, everyone reflect on your faults and wrongdoings (and I will too) and let's start over not being so mean to each other...
Bill, if you would simply take the time to educate yourself and maybe even try it, you wouldn't waste time trying to argue with people who already know the facts for themselves. I myself am one of them, I don't have time to worry about non-believers! I am too busy helping those who the miracle is already working for.
The pot/kettle thing, what a surprise
I have educated myself. You and a few others here would do well to take your own advice vs believing in something which cannot be backed up.
I also find it telling that first you mention "facts" (while conveniently providing none about Jim Humble or his "miracle water"....remember, the actual topic of this thread?), then insert terms like "non-believers" and "the miracle," implying for you healthcare is some kind of religious experience where if someone simply believes something works, it will regardless even if there's no evidence whatsoever to back it up. I'll pass on that mentality regarding healthcare treatments, but have fun.
The “crime” that these agencies are pushing is that the product is a drug that is not “approved” by the FDA, which claims (see updated consumer advisory) that it is dangerous, a point that is not demonstrated by actual experience.
When someone markets a product and says "it will cure cancer" yet provide no evidence - not a shred - that this is so, uh yeah, that is dangerous. That actually needs to be explained?
Thanks AG.
I can't help but chuckle at Bill & Kelly ...Those type often put words in my mouth (I said "maybe even try it", not that they "need to take it.") I can respect the fact that you won't take it or "believe in it", that's not what I said either; what I said is don't go spouting that you know anything when it's obvious you don't and are unwilling to learn. Furthermore, I'm not religious, although "MMS" is now being used under a Church... kinda funny play on words...
Excerpt from my blog post on forum members that was written months ago. I've never used MMS, but I've said in past that I would try it if I had a serious condition and other natural alternatives weren't working for me. This forum would be the place to gather information before use.
The beauty of this forum is that whether we're here to help ourselves, someone who's sickly that doesn't have the ability to research and understand for themselves, or we just want to share what we've learned and experienced with others, we're here, talking, listening, reading, and we are open-minded to all aspects of health and wellness. We're not blindly 'all for' or 'all against' alternative or traditional medicine, we weigh the pros and cons and consider everything's true worth and realistic value in our lives.
__________________ "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~
Well, Kelly and bill5 are not the only one not willing to learn. That someone does not want to take MMS is fine with me... and there are a few here on this forum. I sit back and watch as they try ineffectively to contend with their diseases.
To believe or not believe, that is the question.
In my opion it has nothing to do with belief. Although one might feel the need to believe in order to pick up the bottle and start using it, MMS's function is not based on belief, or power of the mind or any kind of voodoo... but belief does enter into effective compliance with use and the willingness to be persistent, sometimes.
When used correctly it cures things that mainstream medicine does not know how to cure and can only palliate at best. And it is also curing some of the diseses that mainstream medicine causes, like drug resisitant microbial infections. If curing was a matter of belief you would think that all those people who took antibiotcis would have been cured instead of developing resistant infections... or maybe they just didn't believe in their drugs strongly enoungh?
What can you do for the disblievers in MMS? Gentlly nudge them once in a while and just remind them that it is there waiting for them. We need to remember that we all choose our own fates and we should be respected for that as our journey here is much greater for its learning that what disease we may conquer or not.
Having been a nurse within conventional medicine for many years I have respected people's choices and honored them as true souls of god as they made the choices that lead them to their graves... many of these people were very dear to me... but I could not and would not speak of alterntives unless they asked or in some way showed me that they were ready to know something else. If asked directly my opinon I would give it. Few pateints would follow but many family members went on to explore new directions. Some went on to cure some serious diseases.
It does not seems that MMS does cure all things to me... regardless of what Jim Humble says. I do not understand why he says this and perhaps there are things that I just don't see yet. Studies do need to be done but I am certain that these studies will never be created, unless some great beneficient being shows up to fund them. But its potential to cure many things is crystal clear to me after reading all the hundreds of testimonials and having seen with my own eyes what I have seen, and then what I have read... some testimonials sent directly to my mailbox because they wanted me to know, urging me, for they knew I would spread the word.
There is some concern that we do not know the long term outcome of using MMS.. perhaps it is doing something terrible inside that we don't see... to this comment I will say... we do know the long term effects of antibitiocs, steroids, insulin, chemo and radiation and a host of other drugs. We know them crystal clear. We know the diesese they create and also the unending pain and suffering. So far, no one has reported the side effects that these drugs bring, and in often very short order, with the use of MMS... and there are many people out there now who have been using it daily for years as a general detox.
Those who go spouting off what they believe with warnings and no evidence and with no experience do no service to humanity nor to their own selves. They throw roadblocks in people's way, and potentially halt a cure by instilling doubt and fear instead of reality for someone who has come here to learn.... and hence contribute to the suffering of humanity instead of its enlightenment. They contribute to futher binding them to a very dangerous medical system and push them in the direction of further drugs, surgery and hoplessness.
Words, opinons and beliefs are very powerful either towards truth or falsness. Truth or falseness is based on results.... and MMS delivers.
Thats how I see it it anyway.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
"Liking" or disliking you or anyone wasn't even an issue with me. I dislike the fact that people have already come to conclusions about MMS that are far from the truth. I don't feel that anyone is being mean; maybe a bit ridiculous. Of course that is my opinion
But the important thing here is what Arrow said and she said it well, so no need for me to repeat.
The swimming analogy was interesting. In this case, though, the proper analogy (humor me here) would be more akin to: You teach someone how to swim, but you don't educate them fully, so they think the water will kill them, and they say horrible things about swimming on forums. Unfortunately, swimming is one of the most healthy exercises there is, toning the whole body, low impact, good for muscle building and cardio. Just as MMS is so very good for many things, but people are being led to believe otherwise.
Hm... very very good analogy, thank you!!