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Old 09-17-2011, 12:52 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Calgary /alberta Canada
Posts: 4
pmarcus is on a distinguished road
Default The Hidden Agenda

Hello All,
Some of you may have heard of the Codex Alimentarius, and for those of you that have not, here is your wake up call!!
The C.A. was set up in the fifties to modernize and standardize dosages for drugs around the world so that for the most part, peeps under medication could travel anywhere in the free world and have their prescription filled and know that the dosage would be correct....Well that's the official story. In actuality the Codex Alimentarius has a far more Clandestine mandate, and that is what terrifies me along with countless others.
The C.A. along with International Big Pharma,W.T.O.,W.H.O., and the F.D.A. is to., for all intense and purposes , through the many governments of the free world restrict, deny, confiscate, limit too, make illegal,Control,License,set, and/or prescribe to their benefit any and all forms of homeopathic, Natural remedies, cures,and to fine and or cause loss of license to any, and all Doctors, Medical researchers, and anyone who may claim to have a treatment, remedy,, or cure through natural means. this so that the consumer will be forced to purchase AT THEIR PERIL, Drugs, and untested chemicals to ensure that big Pharma will cause the general public to remain unhealthy, addicted, over prescribed, until such time as that person or persons will either expire or to be prescribed counter acting chemicals until such time as that person is no longer capable of the purchase or just plain DIES..
I know what your thinking....YOUR KIDDING ...right Sadly I'm not. I wish I were, but you can see for yourself one example is bill 499 in California, where they want to force 12 year old girls to take STD ,and Cervical cancer vacs, against their will and without the parents consent, and that is just the beginning of what is to come if the Powers that be get there way.

Understand this simple truth. For the last 40 years the C.A, and Big Pharma have not been interested in you , or the nation becoming healthy , as it is not in their best interest, for the longer they keep you addicted and over prescribed the more money they will make.They are not interested in getting you healthy, but keeping you sick. It is not about health for the C.A. and Big Pharma, but PROFIT massive obscene Profit, so much so that they can buy and sell your congressman/Woman, or your Minister of Parliament and dictate to our governments policies that are predatory,self serving,that have absolutely nothing to do with making a nation healthier, and should be illegal so much so that there should criminal charges brought against these organizations. Please dont take my word for it...there are many websites devoted to making the public aware of the criminal acts that these organizations flaunt on the general public around the world.
Enough said ...food for thought

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