Oncological Research in Homeopathy
It is sad to see how the big players in Pharma business wiped out all the homeopathic hospitals in the US in early part of last century, which led to the collapse of homeopathy and the resultant loss to homeo researchers. I feel personally that homeopathy should be one compulsory field of study for all medical students in the world, as the homeopathy looks at the patient holistically and to say "customizes" the drugs as per the behavioral pattern. There are questions which are valid - can there be a combined research on issues like Oncolgy wherein the established medical fraternity can get together with homeopaths and to test whether the toxicity of oncological drugs be reduced through dilution like as its done in homeopathy, say drugs like Eulexin etc. Sounds like a far fetched idea and an hallucination, but it may work one day. Till that day, humanity is at a loss.