A bit of info about TCM in the following article. I remember seeing Andrew Zimmern (of the cable show Bizarre Foods), receiving a 'cupping' treatment (TCM) for an ailment. They placed heated glass cups in specific areas of his back, that were heated with flame to created a special suction. It was funny, because he said something like he thought his nipples were being sucked through his body into his back, and it was so uncomfortable, that he would never get the treatment again...but I think he did say that there was benefit.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
By focusing on energy imbalances, this ancient healing
art restores vitality and well-being.

By Lisa James
May 2009
A visit with health practitioners at a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinic begins with questions�lots of questions.
The practitioner then carefully examines your tongue and notes your pulse, not just in terms of beats per minute but also whether it shows qualities such as �wiry� or �floating.� You�re told you have �kidney deficiency� but are reassured that the actual organs are not diseased. Perhaps you are given instructions in such gentle Chinese exercises as tai chi. Or you might receive acupuncture, which could involve sticking fine needles into your ankle and leg.
Finally, you�re given a list of herbs that you take to an herbal formulary. On one side shelves hold row upon row of glass jars containing dried stems and leaves; on the other side sit similar rows of plastic bottles filled with powders. The herbalist behind the counter places material from the jars in a bag with instructions on how to brew them into a decoction. If you don�t have the time to do that you might receive the powdered herbs instead.
Full Story Here: https://www.energytimes.com/pages/fea...9/chinese.html