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Macmarphy is on a distinguished road
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\r\n \r\n\r\nDefault\r\n\r\n Looking for healer who can view body from a distance\r\n
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\r\n \r\n Hello,
\nI have had a mystery condition all of my life that prevents me from functioning. I recently came across a healer who is able to view the body from a distance and she said my spirit is not integrated properly with my body. She is unable to work on me at the moment so I was wondering if there was anybody out there who thinks they can help with this. If you can view the body from a distance and think you can help with this condition please get in touch.
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� #1
Old 09-27-2012, 12:29 PM
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1
Macmarphy is on a distinguished road
Default Looking for healer who can view body from a distance


I have had a mystery condition all of my life that prevents me from functioning. I recently came across a healer who is able to view the body from a distance and she said my spirit is not integrated properly with my body. She is unable to work on me at the moment so I was wondering if there was anybody out there who thinks they can help with this. If you can view the body from a distance and think you can help with this condition please get in touch.

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