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cecelia21 is on a distinguished road
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\r\n \r\n\r\nDefault\r\n\r\n lemon water for gallbladder pain\r\n
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\r\n \r\n Was told last year I had gallstones, but had never had an attack; although I�d always�since I was child�had issues with constipation.
\nLast weekend, had an attack hours after bedtime and hours after a very rich meal. I also had not had my acid refulx meds for 2 days cuz I was on a trip and had forgotten them at home; after attack started, that\'s when I realized I hadn\'t taken meds for 2 days. It was 48 hours before I could get my insurance to approve refilling my acid medicine and getting it transferred to the state where I was visiting relatives.
\nEventually symptoms subsided significantly to the point that Sunday the 14th was the best I�d felt since Sunday the 7th; also just got home from our trip. I drank a lot of lemon water on the 14th and felt SOOOO much better; been taking malic acid since last Tuesday, April 9, to try to soften any stones before doing a cleanse. At 3 pm, went out to grocery store for a few items. By the time I walked around the grocery store an hour, I was starting to feel worn out; went home, got husband and kids to unload grocery while I took to my bed.
\nI wonder if the lemon water made me feel worse because of the supposed acid reflux-' + '-??? I�m not sure I even have acid reflux or did I just always ONLY have gallbladder issues??? \r\n
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� #1 �
Old 04-17-2013, 02:04 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2
cecelia21 is on a distinguished road
Default lemon water for gallbladder pain

Was told last year I had gallstones, but had never had an attack; although I�d always�since I was child�had issues with constipation.

Last weekend, had an attack hours after bedtime and hours after a very rich meal. I also had not had my acid refulx meds for 2 days cuz I was on a trip and had forgotten them at home; after attack started, that's when I realized I hadn't taken meds for 2 days. It was 48 hours before I could get my insurance to approve refilling my acid medicine and getting it transferred to the state where I was visiting relatives.

Eventually symptoms subsided significantly to the point that Sunday the 14th was the best I�d felt since Sunday the 7th; also just got home from our trip. I drank a lot of lemon water on the 14th and felt SOOOO much better; been taking malic acid since last Tuesday, April 9, to try to soften any stones before doing a cleanse. At 3 pm, went out to grocery store for a few items. By the time I walked around the grocery store an hour, I was starting to feel worn out; went home, got husband and kids to unload grocery while I took to my bed.

I wonder if the lemon water made me feel worse because of the supposed acid reflux--??? I�m not sure I even have acid reflux or did I just always ONLY have gallbladder issues???
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