� #1
Old 04-07-2009, 07:53 AM
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Default MMS and CELLFOOD

Hi everyone!

I am new to this site and MMS. I have a multitude of health problems and I am desperate for help. I have MS, Cervical Spodylosis (w/stenosis), Scoliosis, Chronic Mastoiditis (w/cyst), Asthma that is dangerously out of control, Nodules on my thyroid, My blood pressure is now high to the point that I have been put on blood pressure medicine (it has always been low until this year). I am 33 and a mother of 2 boys. 3 years ago I owned and worked at 2 businesses during the day and also held a full time job at night. I was very succesful and very busy. Nearly overnight I became disabled and stopped working alltogether because of the extreme pain, weakness, fatigue and brain fog that I was living with. Today my symptoms are so extreme that I can barely function. I am so weak and fatigued that I can not do basic chores like dishes or laundry, I can not focus to help my children with thier homework and have with drawn socially as well. I recently started taking Cellfood. While researching Cellfood, I discovered MMS, I am wondering if anyone has taken the 2 at the same time or if I can do that? Also, it seems like I would need to get a copy of the book (part 1 and 2) and some other ingredients too? can anyone guide me as to how to get started and wether or not to continue the Cellfood w/MMS? All info or help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
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� #2
Old 04-07-2009, 11:26 AM
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I haven't Tried MMS so I can't comment on that. Cellfood however is great. I've had a lot of success with it. With your health situation I would recommend more than just a supplement. While they can be very beneficial, they are just that, a supplement. I would start with your diet. Any processed sugars, saturated fats, or refined foods?
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� #3
Old 04-07-2009, 02:13 PM
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I am not following any particular diet, per se. I have cleaned up my diet though. I live across from a fresh produce store so most of my diet consists of fresh veggies, I don't care for sweets much, I only drink water and occassionally tea. I have calmed down on the meat too. The changes are showing, I have lost about 10 pound in the last month or 2 and have gone down 4 pants sizes. Of course that does not mean I am eating completely healthy. I have heard many times that MSers should be on a specific diet but I am clueless in that area. I have heard so many great things about the cellfood, I can tell it is helping. I do not want to give it up but It seems that MMS could help too! I really hope someone has tried this combo or could lend some helpful info. I did order the MMS today and I am looking for part 2 of the book. I am very serious about getting my life back. It is my personal goal to be able to take my kids skating and help them do thier homework. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for, right?
Thank you for any comments or suggestions!
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� #4
Old 04-07-2009, 08:26 PM
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You should continue to perfect your diet. You have a hell of a lot of stuff going on and if you want to get those kids raised you better keep up at keeping up. loosing weight is good if done with good diet. You should be eating about 70 percent raw and find some fresh veggie juice daily or take a powdered greens product. I am confident that you can overcome most if not all of it given time and work.

I suggest that you learn about mms. You can do it here: Health Salon

go to the toolbar on the top of healthsalon and read the testimonials. you will get a pretty good idea of how to use it. Then there is further info in the MMS category.

You would do will to supplement your diet with fish oil, a B vitamin, Iodine supplementation got rid of my thryoid cysts, (info on iodine supplementation is on healthsalon also, put iodine in the blog search bar. Find and excellent osteopath that does manipulations (hard to find these days. second choice is a chiropractor) and learn spinal exercises. Cell food is fine but take it at least 4 hours away from MMS. You have a huge pathogen problem and mms should take care of much of it and if it were me it is where I would start. After one month on MMS you will likely feel much much better. Just go slowly. Its not a race taking mms. Don't push yourself to nausea. We have an MMS thread on this forum also.

Below is a basic protocol for using MMS.

Note: When following the suggestions below, keep this sentence in mind: Always activate MMS drops with one of the food acids, either lemon juice drops, or lime juice drops, or citric acid solution drops.

To make citric acid solution use a clean pint bottle with screw-on lid. Add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid powder and 9 tablespoons of water. Repeat that again if the bottle will hold it. Store it in a bottle with a lid. Refrigerate for longer life and to prevent thickening. Citric acid powder is available in most drug stores, enabling you to mix your own 10% liquid for storage.

In a cup or small glass always mix 5 drops of one of those food acids to each one drop of MMS. Swirl and wait at least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 glass of water or thinned juice (but without any vitamin C) - then drink it. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to 10 minutes but no longer.) After adding the juice or water it is best if you drink immediately, but you can wait as long as an hour before drinking without losing a lot of the strength of the beneficial ClO2 gas.

1. All methods for taking MMS in the Americas starts with one or two drops. Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with � drop. Activate the drops as given above. Activate the drops as given above.

2. If you do OK and do not notice nausea on the first dose, increase by one drop for the second dose. If you notice nausea reduce the amount of MMS for the next dose. It is important to understand that the chlorine dioxide (not the same as chlorine) that does all the good in your body only lasts a little more than one hour and then it is gone. Therefore to really do any good against the pathogens you are trying to kill, you need to keep giving the MMS to your body continuously all day. Every two hours is usually OK.

Increase the number of drops taken each two hours very slowly and if you begin to feel sicker (or feel nausea or diarrhea) reduce the number of drops you take. Do not make yourself feel worse. You always take the maximum amount of MMS that you can possibly take without getting nauseous or having diarrhea.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting that is not a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is gone, the diarrhea is gone. However, you must not continue to take so much MMS that it causes continued diarrhea or nausea. Keep reducing the dose until there is no diarrhea. You lose too much water, minerals, and vitamins with continued diarrhea. That will prevent your recovery.

3. Continue to follow the procedure given in 2 above until you reach 15 drops 3 times a day without nausea. Increase to 3 times a day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people.

Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base you diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load.

Normally diabetes will go away as inflammation of the pancreas diminishes. Your body will be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by. Do not quit taking the MMS, Be sure to take vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that you know are good.

For Children: The protocol for children is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop every 2 or 3 hours and stop when the baby is well.

I have some homeopathic suggestions for your spinal issue and asthma but will have to get back to you on this.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
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� #5
Old 04-07-2009, 09:51 PM
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Awesome info, Arrow! Just what I was hoping for! I will work on the diet like you said but the veggie juice? ERRRGH...I tried that and it was not tolerable. Oddly enough, I love veggies...raw ones too! So that will be easy. I do take fish oil too, daily and it does help with inflamation, noticebly so. I have not taken B in a while other than a regular old multi-V and never tried Iodine before. I am going to check it out. For the spine problems, I have an inversion table but my Chiropractor sd not to use it right now because when he looked at my MRI's you can see vertabrae laying almost on the cord itself. It is just slightly seperated. He suggested decompression w/ manipulation so he can be sure that the cord does not get damaged. He sd once he is sure the cord is safely away from vertabrae etc. he will direct me as to how to use the inversion table so i can treat myself at home rather than paying him. (nice guy, huh? )

I can tell you my Asthma has been improving since I started on cellfood, my son as well. We both have all but chucked our albuteral and our daily preventatives...well, They have not made it to the trash yet, but we have not had to take asthma meds of any kind since starting on the cellfood. After reading so much info on MMS it seems like I have read many success stories from people who have similiar problems as I. Not to mention, I just feel toxic...like I could really use this product. I am really excited that I found this product and this forum. I can't wait to get started. I ordered MMS and citric acid this afternoon, so as soon as it gets here-I'll start and keep everyone up on what happens. Also, Arrow, when you have some time, i would like to hear your homeopathic suggestions regarding my spinal issue...That's a pretty painful thing i go through, non-stop so I am all ears! Thank you sooooo much, again for your advice!
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� #6
Old 04-08-2009, 06:44 AM
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Just a quick stop by before work. I have a friend with your type of neck problem. I told her about this pillow and it has been greatly helpful to her. My husband and I have them, and frankly, I feel that they save a lot of money at the chiropractor. Good head support is critical for you.

Find the Right Mattress at intelliBED | Tempur-Pedic� | Gel-Top Mattress | Compare to air and coil-springs in Utah, Denver, Boise, Las Vegas stores! - intelli-Pillows
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� #7
Old 04-08-2009, 11:23 AM
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I have the bed, I have tried mem. foam pillows and could not tolerate it. Is it this specific type or style of memory foam? Does your friend have a memory foam bed? After my mom bought one and I noticed such a huge improvement, everyone in my family has switched over, I even got my kids Mem foam too and what an improvement. My son literally could not sleep at night, he was in my room all hours of the night or I would find him on the couch until I got his. Now he sleeps like a baby. we will never go back to the old mattress, I have noticed better circulation for myself. I can say that I am in very little pain normally when I wake up. Once I leave that sanctuary that I call bed...that's when It all hits me...If only I could feel that well all the time! LOL. I hadn't thought about it lately but you are absolutely right! getting a good mattress and pillows should be everyone's #1 health goal and it's a simple fix. Thanks again-I am going to check out the link you sent. Hope you have a great day at work!
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� #8
Old 04-08-2009, 08:30 PM
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This is not memory foam. I thew my memory foam pillow out. NO. This pillow is a miracle.
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� #9
Old 04-09-2009, 05:46 AM
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Is it truly worth the $150 bucks? What kind of bed do you use?
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� #10
Old 04-09-2009, 06:07 AM
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The price went up? I think I got mine for about $100 and yes, I remember now, they had a Father's day sale. I actually bought on for my husband first as at the time I still had that foam pillow. Those foam pillows collapse after a while. They seem good at first but after a year or so they go flat.

I have a more standard type bed, don't remember what..Simmons or Beauty Rest or something like that which suits us fine...but with my neck the pillow has always been an issue. It has been worth every red cent I paid. But if you don't get neck pain when sleeping maybe it wouldn't be for you.

When I purchased my gel pillow, we have a store nearby, they gave me a loaner for a few weeks. Why don't you see if there is an intelligel bed store near you and try to do the same. Maybe they would even send you a loaner through the mail to try?
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� #11
Old 04-09-2009, 11:36 AM
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I checked and they do not have a store nearby but I am going to take your advice and see if they will send me a loaner. I usually am ok with my neck at night but the better support at night would definately allow me to sleep even better and perhaps take the edge off during the day as well. Sounds like it would be worth a shot.
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