� #31
Old 08-10-2012, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Patient 007 View Post
I think I figured it out....can you hear me now?
What exam did you take? I was told that the virus can be identified only when you have an outbreak.


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� #32
Old 08-11-2012, 03:32 AM
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I did get it identified as a positive when I had an outbreak. I meant that I waited so long after I'd been treating it, finished the protocol, then after symptoms didn't return got tested again...3 times. I've had blood tests, cultures taken where the outbreaks WERE and swabbings. There is NO herpes. Just the HPV remains.

p.s. I don't have the positive test I burned it. Honestly I almost snuffed it. It was not a good day.
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� #33
Old 08-11-2012, 03:54 PM
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I meant "what exam did you do to check whether you still had it or not?".
I was told that there is no exam to figure out whether you a specific virus or not.
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� #34
Old 08-11-2012, 10:09 PM
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That's what I took from my google search as well, but there is apparently different kinds and they can in fact tell you if you have the "at risk" ones. Honestly I should've paid more attention but I kind of just auto piloted the whole experience and THEN realized I should try and help other people. That last test was a blood test. That's all I know.
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� #35
Old 08-11-2012, 10:12 PM
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For the record their "opinion" of me testing positive and then negative was either false positives (in which case they should be effing fired...seriously) or that my body just "beat it" on it's own. I'm not a superhero with magical powers, and I didn't get two false postives. It was the MMS. At least that is my conclusion.
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� #36
Old 08-17-2012, 09:46 PM
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Carrots are anti-viral too. I had been going through seven weeks of synthetic beetle venom (how about that? Beetle venom is so valuable we need to synthesize it!) for several plantar warts on my foot. We couldn't seem to kill them, they kept coming back. My regular podiatrist was gone, so I saw the older, Chinese guy instead of her. He asked, "Do you like carrots?" "Yes, I like carrots." "Good. Eat carrots, they're anti-viral." Wart went away within two weeks of eating the carrots, which made me happy. Synthetic beetle venom is an endurance contest; Leave the pad with the venom on until you can no longer stand the pain. A chunk of skin falls off later.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #37
Old 08-18-2012, 10:39 AM
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That sounds exactly like the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment I've been using. It ABSOLUTELY works. I've actually just been waiting for someone else to post so I wasn't "blowing the thread up" but yeah I got some ozonated Olive Oil and it doesn't seem to do shit, pardon my language...but for something that the new agers are soooooooo eager to peddle I'm massively dissapointed. The $2.50 bottle of Heinz ACV works like a champ, but it does leave you raw. It DOES work though...within a day they were white and they fall off the next day usually. My problem was severe...like almost google search bad when I started. Now I'm 80% back to pre-infection status. )))))))
I'm combining it with another round of MMS 1000 protocol to kill the actual virus and I should be good to go in a few weeks.
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� #38
Old 02-26-2013, 04:56 PM
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Default MMS and genital warts

I went to the health clinic when i seen the warts as vigured they were. The lady didnt have a clue of what they were, so she called in the doctor. The doctor then replied and said those arent what you think they are, so i walked out with a huge smile on my face. But over the years ive been thinking and seen some pics that looked similar to what i saw on my skin. They stayed on there for a little over a week i believe, really not sure since it was Feb of 2010. but sinve they went away I havent had any more break outs. Is it possible my body got rid of it completely? What may be the case
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