To Kimmie,
MMS is not the only support out there. For detox, you can take 2 table spoons of raw honey and 2 table spoons of Bragg's raw vinegar in warm but not too hot water twice a day. I really like it.
If you have something to kill, you have many choices. Oreganol is a very good Oregano oil, and Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed extract is very good. In addition, Lugol's Iodine is a good antibiotic.
Further cleansing can be done by Broken Cell Wall Chlorella. I like Source Natural's Yaeyama Chlorella. It will take out heavy metals. I'm about to try some Indol-3-Carbinol by Now, which purportedly is good to neutralize pesticides, even Agent Orange used in Viet Nam.
You can research a lot of forums and short publications on these topics online. has a lot of reviews of almost everything they sell which are also helpful to see what has worked.
I've had good success with Grapeseed Extract, Vitamin C, and Glucoseamine/Chondroitin Sulfate for cartilage and ligament repair. When Vitamin C is protected from oxidation by Grapeseed Extract, it becomes a CoEnzyme which starts connective tissue synthesis, which is the first step in making a tendon, ligament, cartilage or bone.
So perhaps you should set the MMS aside, and focus on other nutritional supplements for support. I'm almost certain that I have a systemic Candida infection, and am now using MMS for it. It is the best so far, and today, when I spit into a glass of water, my saliva floated on top for the first time

. I probably could have defeated it with Lugol's solution complemented by homeopathic remedies and probiotics if MMS was not available.
I think doing this research will give you a better understanding of natural healing, and identify other supplements which will help you in ways MMS cannot.