Hi, I joined this site specifically to try and find an answer for this topic. I've been searching all over the web and have not found an answer.
I too have a water ionizer, and I take MMS. Since MMS has a Positive ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) and Ionized water (Alkaline that you consume) has a Negative ORP, my common sense is telling me that they two will attract each other and perhaps the Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) will simply instantly attract to all the negatively charged ionized water molecules and oxidize the minerals contained within those water molecules, and then be all used up and none will be left to oxidize any pathogens, etc. in your body.
I would think there would be a scientific answer to this question, instead of a anecdotal "try it and see if you tell a difference" solution. Maybe certain people are in-tune enough with their bodies to tell an immediate difference, but I don't trust myself on that. The beneficial effects of both MMS and Alkaline Ionized water are gradual; so testing it for yourself would be pretty hard to discern the difference.
Does anybody have an answer for this?
I can't believe this hasn't been talked about in more depth somewhere on the Internet, but if it has, I haven't been able to find it.
In the meantime, I am spacing my dosages of MMS (in normal water) out in between times (not within 30-minutes of each other) when I take Alkaline Ionized water based upon my hypothesis explained above in my second paragraph.