Originally Posted by kind2creatures
I've been taking 200mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid for awhile now, along with Chlorella, as I learned on this forum that the ALA chelated metals in the body, and the Chlorella assisted it in moving them out of the system.
Here's an informative article on the benefits of ALA... https://www.healthyfellow.com/1446/al...ion/#more-1446
People with high levels of mercury should use caution with higher levels of ALA.
Alpha Lipoic Acid has a short half life in the body, if mercury bound to ALA is not elimated in this period of time then the mercury can become unbound and end up being lodged in the brain or some other organ.
Andy Cutler, who specialises in chelating mercury from autistic children, only gives a 25mg dose of ALA every 4 hours(6 per day) to ensure a slow steady chelation to prevent the problem.
(See my comments on the Healthy Fellow link)