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simcha is on a distinguished road
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\r\n \r\n\r\nWink\r\n\r\n is there a problem of taking 2 types of herbs for menopause at the same time?\r\n
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\r\n \r\n I have been successfully taken VITEX AGNUS CASTUS to treat excessive bleeding at menopause. I would like to take also BLACK CHORUSH for other symptons. Anybody heard if there is a problem taking both at the same time?\r\n
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� #1
Old 04-07-2013, 12:30 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2
simcha is on a distinguished road
Wink is there a problem of taking 2 types of herbs for menopause at the same time?

I have been successfully taken VITEX AGNUS CASTUS to treat excessive bleeding at menopause. I would like to take also BLACK CHORUSH for other symptons. Anybody heard if there is a problem taking both at the same time?
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