FDA Approves Dangerous Anti-Depressant Drug for Dogs
They're not making enough money writing scripts for anti-depressants for people which can cause violence, depression and suicide...now they're going to poison our pets with this garbage which is similar to Prozac. Bad enough they try to push vaccinations for anything they can think of.
The pet products industry is burgeoning, as 2011 figures released by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) show that Americans now spend more than $50 billion a year on food, supplies, and veterinarian care for their pets -- up nearly 300 percent since 1994. And now Big Pharma wants a piece of the pie, with drug giants Elanco and Eli Lilly and Company having recently gained approval for their dangerous new antidepressant drug Reconcile, the equivalent to Prozac designed specifically for dogs.
According to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA (ANH-USA), Reconcile is a once-daily, chewable drug for dogs that is intended to treat canine separation anxiety (CSA), which is just a fancy way of describing the behavioral changes that occur when a dog is separated from his owner and is left alone. But Reconcile is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), meaning it comes from a class of drugs known to cause mental problems, aggression, suicidal thoughts, and even violence against others.
I agree completely. The drug industry has a huge stake in profiteering from veterinary medicine. Plus, the American instant fix mentality makes drugging a dog more appealing than teaching the dog.
I once adopted a badly abused, guard trained, fearful and aggressive German shepherd. My male vet was afraid of the dog. I told him her history, and told him her aggression was largely due to fear, though some of it was due to her guard training. The vet recommended that I put the dog on Prozac. I told the vet that he must be crazier than the dog!
Another vet in the practice overheard the conversation and sided with me. She said the dog needed training and affection, not drugs. She dropped to her knees, offered her hand to the dog, the dog sniffed and licked her hand, the woman hugged the dog, the dog gladly accepted the affection. The male vet stood their gawking, completely surprised at the dog's behavior. The fact that the woman vet diminished her size by dropping to her knees, and respectfully offered her hand for the dog to sniff, caused the dog to react without fear. The dog did overcome her problems without use of drugs. After I spent a couple of years rehabilitating the dog, everybody who met this dog remarked that she was a very sweet animal.
I once adopted a badly abused, guard trained, fearful and aggressive German shepherd...her aggression was largely due to fear, though some of it was due to her guard training. The dog did overcome her problems without use of drugs. After I spent a couple of years rehabilitating the dog, everybody who met this dog remarked that she was a very sweet animal.
That's a wonderful success story dogwoman, I love hearing things like that. It takes a strong and loving person to be able to rehabilitate a dog like that. I admire you, kudos!
Thank you, Kind2Creatures. I do sometimes use RescueRemedy, or Five Flower Formula, flower essences to calm dogs in a specific situation. For instance, I have a Samoyed who doesn't like to be groomed below his rib cage because his coat is abnormally soft which causes a lot of tangles. He was about three years old when I adopted him. He already had an attitude about grooming. He will let me vacuum him with the vac hose, in fact, he loves that. He will let me brush the upper half of him, he likes that. However, trying to brush the rest of him turns into a wrestling match unless I give him a few drops of flower essence remedy before I begin the grooming.
Another dog has some thunder anxiety. I give her a few drops of flower essence remedy when she becomes agitated by a severe thunder storm.
It makes me really mad that the vets are doing this to dogs and cats,or should I say the drug companies the vets are most likely brainwashed anyway.
dogwoman,do you think rescue remedy would help our shepherd to relax while we trim her claws, she is very touchy about having her feet handled, we got her when she was 9 months old and I don't think she ever had her feet handled, I am trying to get her used to it without force, she doesn't mind being vaccumed either