� #1 �
Old 04-04-2012, 05:18 PM
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Unhappy Dog's Ear Problem

I have a small dog that has a chronic ear problem. Actually it�s in both ears, tho one seems worse than the other. The worse ear has a discharge of a gray-colored , snotty substance. I call it �pus�, but am not sure that it is. It builds up deep down in the ear canal and works it�s way up. If I massage the base of her ear, I can get some to come up so I can swab it out with a Q-tip. The other ear has a discharge that is more liquidy, at first, then hardens to a dark brown like dried snot.

I�ve tried Swimmer�s Ear, Zinc drops, MMS, Collodial Silver, Molecula Silver, and DMSO added to them�nothing works for more than a day or so. I finally resorted to antibiotic ear drops 2x a day for a week, and worked! Her pain and itching were gone. But after less than a month the problem was back. Either it isn�t really a Pathogen problem, or the drops aren�t getting to the pathogens. I give the dogs about 2-3 drops of MMS to drink every nite. During her worse bout, I gave her a couple of drops every hr to drink, but couldn�t tell if it helped or if it was mostly the antibiotic drops. This stumps me.

Anyone have any suggestions? It would be so nice to really get rid of this problem. Thanks for any ideas
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Old 04-04-2012, 05:24 PM
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My dog gets ear candida even though he's never taken an antibiotic. to to this site and look for the blue ear treatment. It really works, and for those people whith candida in their ears I bet it would work for them too. You have to make sure that there is no hole in the ear drum as that will cause problems. Both of the medicines in this mix I have used successfully for candida issues and I have used them together without the alcohol for women's vagainal yeast infections with good reports back. Im really unsure why the alcohol is necessary in the dogs recipe. Maybe someone can tell me. It really works.

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Old 04-04-2012, 07:56 PM
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Some people recommend using Witch Hazel in place of the alcohol in the recipe that Arrowwind suggested.

I've also hear of folks using a bit of Tea Tree Oil in a Witch Hazel solution, apply gently with cotton ball, and wipe with tissue...reapply.

Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs brand), diluted with warm filtered water, and applied in the same fashion with a cotton ball is supposed to be good for yeast. Repeated applications for several days, until clear.

It was many years ago when I had a dog with chronic ear infections, but I used Otomax ointment from the Vet for those, worked very well.
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Old 04-06-2012, 04:02 AM
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My dog had ear issues for the longest time. A lot of people will tell you it's the dog food you are using, so you might want to try rotating your dog food to see if that helps.

I tried everything over the counter and anything online and it seemed like nothing worked long-term. The only thing that worked and it's the only thing I use now is a solution of half alcohol and half white vinegar. I thought everything I tried would be better than something like a mix of half alcohol and half vinegar, but I was surprised how much it cleaned out her ears.

I take a cotton ball and get it pretty soaked in half alcohol and half vinegar and clean and squeeze the liquid, so it goes inside of her years. Then I take a regular cotton ball and try to dry as much as I can without going inside the canal.

Now I clean her ears after every bath.
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� #5 �
Old 04-08-2012, 04:00 PM
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Red face Thank you for your replies!

Thank you, those who have replied, to my problem with my dog's ears. It's wonderful to see how empathetic people with pets are! I will try all of the suggestions, starting with easiest and cheapest first and work my way along if needed. Will let you know in a few weeks how it goes.

Meanwhile, any other folks who have more suggestions or vouch for these 3, I would love to hear.
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Old 08-25-2012, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by jbo View Post
My dog had ear issues for the longest time. A lot of people will tell you it's the dog food you are using, so you might want to try rotating your dog food to see if that helps.

I think nutrition is key for pet health and MOST pet food is junk. Even the really good pet food is still dried or canned, not fresh.

Dr Pitcairn Natural Dog and Cat Health is a great resource for natural medicine and great fresh food recipes.
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