� #1
Old 09-22-2012, 11:24 AM
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Exclamation Chest and intercostal pain

Hi, I injured my left shoulder at the end of June and it was almost recovered after 2 months. During this time I had some chest tenderness and pain along with shoulder pain. About 3 weeks ago, someone had actually picked me up from under my armpits (taking me off the ground) and a huge spasm ran through my shoulder a chest.

I've been treating my shoulder like it was a new injury, but the problem is that my chest hurts worse than anything else. It is very sensitive to touch and I can feel the spasms when I palpate it. Also, there is pain and tenderness in between my ribs under and right below my chest.

Could this person have caused nerve damage? 3 weeks have gone by and there has been no let up of pain. I bought a TENS unit to see how that works, but other than that I can find no relief. Help!

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� #2
Old 09-23-2012, 08:57 PM
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intercostal pain is a mystery for many people. And you may also have rotated a rib which can be painful.

If ibuprofen doens't work ask your doc for an rx of diclofenac. Taken twice a day it can get rid of a lot of this type of pain, but if a rib is rotated a chiropractor can help. Often these types of injureis seem like they are healed only to aggravate easily again. It takes time.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
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