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Old 06-01-2008, 09:42 PM
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Default Potassium and Rheumatoid Arthritis

It may be worth checking out your potassium levels if you suffer from RA. Supplementing with large amounts of potassium probably isn't wise without proper testing and consultation with a health pro.

Summary: In a randomized, parallel group study involving 32 hypokalemic patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), supplementation with 6000 mg/d potassium chloride dissolved in grape juice for a period of 28 days was found to significantly reduce pain, assessed via a visual analog scale.

After receiving supplementation with potassium, 43.75% of subjects met the criteria of 33% lower pain intensity, as compared to only 6.25% after ingestion of the placebo. Furthermore, while 31.25% achieved a 'moderate response' after supplementation with potassium, only 6.25% achieved this response after placebo.

The authors state, "The elevated serum cortisol and potassium values in the treatment group correlate negatively with patient's assessment of pain intensity, reflecting an anti-pain effect for potassium supplementation." The results of this study suggest that in hypokalemic patients with active RA, supplementation with potassium may be a safe and effective way of alleviating pain.
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