Blood Pressure pills causing numbing inside?
Hello! From first glance i really like your forum so i'd be glad to get some opinions on this:
I recieved info on another forum that my Blood Pressure pills can cause this "numbing" effect.
To make "numbing" clear and explain my problem:
~Scientifically speaking Emotion is the reaction to the outer Stimuli. I.e. - crying when someone close to you dies. The feeling however is the INTERPRETATION of the mind to the emotion. A.k.a - the sadness and tearing apart that you experience/feel inside of you when you cry.
Currently i have great expresiveness and strong emotions - but NO feelings at ALL!!
Example: to me it's the SAME internally when i'm having mad fun with girls i didn't knew before that night on a disco... I SEEM emotional - i yell, clap, express myself, talk a lot, do lots of action and i'm VERY energetic... Make outs / wild dancing with chicks or adventure with my friends...
...all of this is the SAME for me internally compared to when i heard my mother will be entering a hospital (no mental problems for her, but still some serious ones...). It's my MUM godd@mmit! Even as i'm being "angried" right now, i feel nothing INSIDE.
==My blood pressure pills:
I take at morning a pill containing 4mg/1.25mg of Co-Prenessa (which is 4mg of perindopril tert-butylamine + 1,25mg of indipiamide) and I USED to take before bed one pill of 120mg Isoptine SR (SR = the prolonged release formula).
Now i take half of 80mg's NOT time-released formula after my dinner.
I notice a slight regaining in feelings after about 46 hours not taking Isoptine (happens if i purposely miss a dose on the previous day).
I also suspect that at first i was given Propanolol (which is a very f*cked up beta-blocker) but i'm on the previously said combination since long.
Please, i need to know this as soon as i possibly can!
Thank you!!