02-07-2013, 12:41 PM
Observing cool stuff
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: INternets
Posts: 537
Lucier Chemical Industries, Ltd., the Jacksonville Beach, Florida-based company from which Austin purchases its fluorosilicic acid for water fluoridation. Lucier is a re-seller. It produces nothing; it refines nothing. It is strictly a distributor of industrial—not pharmaceutical—grade fluoride byproducts it purchases from such Florida phosphate fertilizer-producers as Cargill and Mosaic.
Cargill. UGH
The Product Data Sheet provides additional information. It lets us know that fluorosilicic acid has no uses outside of water fluoridation, and describes the additive as a “colorless to straw yellow, transparent, fuming, corrosive liquid with a pungent odor and irritating action on the skin.” It also tells us that their product typically contains .02% lead and other toxic contaminants (“heavy metals, as lead” is their way of putting it). So there you have it. We’re paying over half a million dollars a year for fluoride, but we get the lead for free. https://www.cityofaustin.org/edims/do....cfm?id=114639
In fact, in 2006 the American Dental Association issued a “guideline” recommending that infant formula for babies up to 12 months be mixed with non-fluoridated water. That’s right, the same group that supports community water fluoridation as a wonderful public health measure declares it unsafe for infants. Instead, they helpfully recommend breast milk—as if everyone had the luxury of being able to breast feed. Alternatively, they advise parents to buy filtered water at the grocery store “for less than $1 per gallon.”