I've heard this complaint about Dr. Oz over and over. In this case, is seems like one greedy diet doctor is jealous because another is stepping on his turf.
From all I've read and heard, Dr. Oz is a good heart surgeon. His TV show is mostly for entertainment purposes. I liked when Oprah set him up with his own show, because he does have good guests sometimes, and you can pick up some good tips now and then about foods and supplements.
He may introduce/promote weight loss methods on his show, and just like anything else, people can choose to try them out, and perhaps for them there will be some more success than they've been experiencing.
I absolutely do not take everything that he says on his show as hard fact. I disagree with his opinions on flu shots, canola oil, etc. But, I'll keep the channel on if he has an interesting guest or topic. I've never heard him demand to his viewers that they have to try something, he just suggests.
__________________ "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~
A video on this subject. I thought hard about whether to post this...Some childish name-calling and rather an air of mean spiritedness to it, which I certainly don't approve of.
But decided to on the grounds of relevance and hypocrisy and as a warning to people not to be duped. No miracle diets.
....It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness, that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.
It costs very much money to have a TV show. Sponsors are required. Money comes in. Greed can take over. Obviously.
I do like and watch Dr Oz. He has excellent guests most of the time. He does over do the obesity thing though. It seems like every show has something to do with losing weight. With all the stuff that the show promotes, I don't know how anyone could be overweight anymore.
Regarding the raspberry ketones and green coffee bean extract: well we do the same thing on this forum. Test ourselves with substances due to anecdotal evidence and rational sounding theories. Dr Oz even has MDs touting alternative and complementary health procedures and supplements. People are waking up. Slowly. That's what he is good for.
- Jim
�Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.� Sir Winston Churchill
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear ozzie's reply: "Further, are you representing shame products that may do more harm than good in order to continue a fame that is not deserved?" Well, Doctor?
He epitomizes the very basic [drive] of most medical professionals today. Money Money and most important: MONEY.
He may have began with good intentions...but we all know too well about that road. Let's not forget:
Though at times he appears to promote alternative forms of medicine that are not widely accepted by the medical establishment, Dr. Oz has shown himself to be nothing more than a Big Pharma shill that now pushes vaccines and other unproven quackery on the public as valid medicine.
This is hardly shocking in light of the fact that Dr. Oz has a financial stake in the drug industry, which was revealed back in 2009 during the time when the phony H1N1/swine flu scam was occupying the statist airwaves (https://www.naturalnews.com/027451_vaccine_RealAge_technology.html).
He did start with good intentions. I can recall Oz talking about the importance of vitamin D and red wine and curcumin, etc..
He always seemed like he was a conventional doctor who believed in supplementing for good health, and then one day he stated on his tv program how apple juice was contaminated with high amounts of arsenic.
He took alot of flack over that comment, and within a couple of weeks he changed into the "hyde" he is today, telling everyone to get their flu shots, even though his wife won't let their kids be vaccinated...
His comments concerning arsenic in apple juice must have angered some powerful people, and now we are seeing the result..
His apple juice comments certainly angered powerful people. Big industry. I mean really big. I use to live in that ag area near Sebastopol CA. This is the apple basket of America. Right next door to the CA wine country. It was not fun going to visit friends. Pesticides in the air all the time. If not from the apple orchards, then from the vineyards. When you drink CA wine, you are drinking a bottle of pesticides.
He was refuted by another network doctor, who later apologized. Oz did his due diligence with his own independent labs. He did not get it wrong.
Isn't he the one that claimed there is NOTHING wrong with gmo food? People that choose organics are "snobs?"
I would like to see his lab results on those gmo tests before I take ANY of his advice. Sorry. If it walks like a dock, I mean DUCK - and all that.
See, he first came on STRONG, invincible--believing in the RIGHT way, while protecting those that are misled. He had quite the following. He seemed to care, imo.
THEN - BIG PHARMA and all the rest made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Now? He's the snob.
He should run for office. Or, FDA? I am CERTAIN Monsanto would pay plenty to get him in there.
happy2bhere' to be honest I have never watched his show,and knowing that he pushes vaccinations makes me even less likely to watch his show,I dont think it is on tv here at the moment anyway.
And I personally do not believe diets work long term, I really believe you have to find out what works for your own body,what works for me is plenty of fruit and veg and nuts, and pure water,and a daily walk.
It will be sad for those whose trust he has gained.
They will now blindly follow any of his suggestions - good or bad.
Whoever blindly follows anyone's suggestions, deserves what they get. Just caught a few minutes of the Dr. Oz. Show, and it may have been a repeat.
Discussion was fish-fraud, misbranding/adulterated. They noted how around 90% of Albacore Tuna, many times used in Sushi, was not Albacore/White Tuna at all. It was found to be Escolar, which is a cheap and toxic fish, nicknamed as 'the ex-lax of fish'.
Others were Grouper which was found to be substituted with Catfish, which is much cheaper. Also, Red Snapper was found to be replaced with Tilefish, which is high in mercury.