Originally Posted by Robinski
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!! Been trying to broadcast that I cured my Alopecia Areata. It was 95 percent of my scalp, all my eyelashes and most my eyebrows. Found out that autoimmune diseases tend to hurt thyroid function of production of an enzyme that helps the body to assimilate BIOTIN and IODINE. Took BIOTIN and IODINE (KELP) and it all grew back in a few weeks. Was having to shave my head for a year. Am totally over it. Grocery store hair nail and skin formulas in pill form will work or a mega vitamin that has excess amounts of biotin and iodine. BIOTIN AND IODINE CURED MY PATCHY BALDNESS COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow thanks for this! My daughter is recovering from CFS and largely because of amazingly bad insomnia has some alopecia also. We know she has low iron/ferratin levels and have largely fixed that through (egads) an iron infusion + finding out she was reactive to her own heme (!) and getting that fixed as well, so at least the iron part is sticking now.
But we have yet to really address the biotin/B vitamin/mineral aspects...so did you just take kelp capsules or something of that sort? If so, what brands worked for you and how much did you take?
We can have our kinesiologist double check what our daughter may need, but any shortcuts to finding something would be much appreciated.
(We had hair tests done for metal toxicity years ago and she turned up high levels of Al and some Hg. We've since addressed those and the levels have been ok for years, so the alopecia isn't due to toxic metals.)
EDIT: Oops, sorry Robinski just noticed you gave the info I asked for in a post after this one I replied to. Thanks!