� #1
Old 08-03-2012, 11:18 PM
jfh jfh is offline
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You are a bigger risk taker than I. That can be seen by your lifestyle. Egg is a bacteria medium. Just put it in a petri dish and get a microscope. Honey is not. I would choose honey. Reminds me of college days. I've used peanut butter in a petri dish as a growing medium.
- Jim

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.� Sir Winston Churchill
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� #2
Old 08-03-2012, 11:48 PM
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hehehe...i guess that risk taking is whats gotten me in this situation/s...

Anyway as far as burning treatments dont get it twisted i do agree with you about using honey or aloe vera being better then egg white, i just didnt have any aloe or honey(to my suprise) at work, so i sat on the net and read about garlic and egg, garlic i couldnt mentally accept it i mean that stuff burns without a burn, haha get it? so i used an egg and i must say as far as the pain goes, it was the perfect thing to get the pain away...

And i just used the egg white to get me through the last 3-4 hours at work, i need the money and didnt want to ask to leave earlier, soon as i got home i continued aloe, then vit e and now ive been using just honey, and will keep using honey untill its all healed up...
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� #3
Old 02-27-2013, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Aloe is always my burn therapy of choice. It is amazing. Just be sure of the species. Some work much better than others. Some are toxic.
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aloe vera, blister, burn, vitamin e

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