� #1
Old 12-24-2012, 01:35 AM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 2
star68 is on a distinguished road
Default Doubts about skin fungus?

I have skin fungus diagnosed by a punch biopsy. My doctor prescribed Lamisil but I don't want to take it because of the serious side effects. I am worry about the fungus spreading to my internal organs what they called a systemic fungal infection. Do they prescribed the medicine to stop the fungus spreading to your bloodstream? The fungus doesn't itch or anything is just red pimples but nothing more. I am very confuse.

At the moment I am using apple cider vinegar and slowly is working. Could someone advise me I do not want to ask my dermatologist I don't think she will be very happy about me not taking Lamisil.

What are my risks if I don't take Lamisil?
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