I find it very interesting in a few sporadic posts on this website over the past month of a few saying that their IBD, chrons or colitis has not been cured and nothing has worked except the MMS, etc...
I am in desperate need myself, and have always thought about trying the SCD diet. The reviews online are overwhelmingly amazing! Thousands upon thousands seemed to be helped tremendously, if not fully by going on it. I just currently broke ties with my holistic practioner and will be on this journey myself. This will probably be my first route in regards to fight my UC!
Usually when looking at reviews, you see mixed reviews. With the exception of here and there, 95% have been super reviews. After looking through quite a few threads here, it doesn't seem to be mentioned? Has anyone else heard of it?
I have heard of it, but never really looked into it to any degree. I had already determined what foods I did well on, and what caused illness, and it roughly follows the SCD diet from my basic understanding of it.
I use diet, MMS, LDN and natural antiinflammatory supplements to keep my Crohn's under control. I also use frequency treatments on occasion to target any particular Crohn's related pathogen.
By using a couple of direct and several supportive treatments, I seem to be able to tilt the odds in my favor enough that the disease is not a problem.
Thanks for the reply Bergy. I am by no means knocking MMS as I am completely uneducated in regards to the phsyiology of it. I will say by first impressions, glances, etc, it does worry me a bit. I guess that's only normal though with what I have been through. I just had a message a while back from Arrow or someone that basically said that MMS may be my only hope.
The reason I eventually used MMS was because prior to any knowledge of the product, I was looking for a way to selectively kill pathogens in my intestinal tract.
I really did not think it was possible that anything besides frequency treatments could accomplish this. The problem with using frequencies is you have to know specifically which pathogen you are trying to kill.
MMS kills acidic pathogens in particular. Since acidic pathogens are almost always not beneficial to humans it sounded perfectly suited for this job.
I knew certain pathogens triggered the immune response with Crohn's, but I also think there are many involved. MMS took care of enough of them that I went into remission after four weeks of use.
I am not the only one who has had this result, so it is something to consider.
It is not nearly as dangerous as many over the counter medications. Plenty of people have died from Tylenol use, and yet we do not seem to stop using this product. There are no confirmed cases of death from MMS, and yet thousands of people use it every day.
It has some unknown risk, but the disease itself has known risks, and there is little doubt that if left unchecked, you will be in for additonal surgery at some point in the future.
Like everything else, you have to balance the risk of the treatment, against the risk of the disease you are treating.
Absolutely agreed. No need to sell me on pharmaceudical meds, tylenol, etc, as I am already in agreeance there with you! My whole thought is money, greed, etc, and it's at the expense of our health. That's a whole another subject anyways! But what I am saying though, MMS, good or bad, I have seen the internet flooded with nothing but positive reviews in regards to the SCD, basically eliminiting complex carbs, sugars, etc. I'm not sure how new this forum is or not since I just recently joined, but I was just suprised to have not heard more regarding it.
There is a lot of discussion on it if you go to specific sites that are targeted to those with Crohn's or some form of IBD.
I think diet is critically important for these diseases, but I also do not think one single diet is going to be the best for every person. If you use it for a starting point and refine it to fit your individual needs, you are likely to benefit.
I ended up with a similar diet, but was not aware of the SCD diet until after my own discovery. I suppose you could say I confirmed the diet by accident, although it is not exactly the same.
... I have seen the internet flooded with nothing but positive reviews in regards to the SCD, basically eliminiting complex carbs, sugars, etc. I'm not sure how new this forum is or not since I just recently joined, but I was just suprised to have not heard more regarding it.
You're correct, there is no mention of this diet here on the forum. I had not heard of it, and I think it is definitely something to consider for those suffering with gastrointestinal conditions. I've posted an intro post about it. Thanks for bringing this up Rodneydeeeee.
Onions swell up my intestines, and so does Malt. MSG gives me the runs like nothing else. That is why I say some of these things are very specific to one person, and you can't always follow what others can eat without a problem.
Less offensive, but foods that led up to my disease were lots of carbs from grain products. Sugar and the usual unhealthy things. My diet was quite bad before my illness started, and I was over weight as a result of it.
Basically, I can eat most anything else, but I try to eat healthy food that gives my body nutrition. I eat a high protein diet, because that is what agrees with me. I also try to eat more vegetables, although I do not care for them all that much. I also eat some fruit every day. I limit carbs from grain, and never eat anything with a lot of sugar without other food,.
I do not follow that perfectly, but it works well enough.