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� #16
Old 12-29-2011, 02:12 PM
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If you do a flush what comes out is not feces for that has been flushed through with the help of the epsom salts. All stones float.

Dr. Hulga Clark does include walnut hull tincture during the liver cleanse to kill any liver flukes coming out during the liver flush.

Even respectable medical journals will have studies and conclusions that contradict one another. It comes down to which scientist/expert/report/theory etc. we choose to believe.
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� #17
Old 12-30-2011, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09 View Post
Many people are not afraid to go through feces to see whats there , especially if they are going to the trouble of doing a flush. If you've raised kids you get past that fear. Disposeable gloves are so available today.
I wish I'd looked closer at the tapeworm I had. I always kind of regretted not studying it a little and measuring it
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� #18
Old 12-30-2011, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by mommysunshine View Post
Even respectable medical journals will have studies and conclusions that contradict one another. It comes down to which scientist/expert/report/theory etc. we choose to believe.
It is dubious that a respectable medical journal would address the olive oil, magnesium sulphate, lemon liver flush. After all, it is not a liver flush. It is a gall bladder flush.

True gallstones are hard and have calcified. What you are seeing are the results of the flush ingredients causing the formation of those pseudo stones. So you are creating your own problem. That much oil will cause the gallbladder to constrict and release its bile. Maybe that's a good thing. I just think the risk is greater than not doing it at all. When you do several flushes, you will no longer see the "stones" as all components must be available.

Understanding physiology would be helpful.
- Jim
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detox, flush, gall bladder flush, gall stones, gallbladder, liver, liver flush

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