I recently saw a naturopath who diagnosed me with some liver/gallbladder inflamation due to consumption of what he called 'stimulants' and listed as any spice (ex. cinnamon, clove, turmeric, black pepper, cumin etc..), hot things like chillies, caffeine, and onions and garlic, most of which I understand are packed with atioxidants, and/or have powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties, therefore, I'd usually embrace having them.
Four years ago, I was told the same by this doctor, when I had come in concerned about my acne. I'd just arrived back to the states from 6 months in India where I'd eaten spicey things every day. I had terrible acne, and he told me it was an effect of having eaten too much spice. My liver, being unable to process it all, released the excess toxins through my skin as acne.
I've been trying to research about this on my own, but haven't found a thing. Anybody else have this reaction or know about it? Can you explain the science behind it? The Doc. gave me a two month supply of a gentian root compound along with something called 'bowel detox,' and instructions to avoid these 'stimulants'. But, after I allow my liver/gall time to recover, is there anyway to counteract the effects of having these foods, so that I can still consume them and garner the benefits they offer? Say with some other kinds of foods/herbs that offer support? Some kind of bitters extract? Continue with gentian?
I dont really comprehend what this naturopath is saying regarding these spices.
The only way to know for sure is to test it by doing his protocol.
If the liver is congested I suggest that it is not these spices that you mention but other liver issues...
consider parasites both large and microscopic,. other inflammatory issues of the liver.
One of the greatest liver detoxs is done by using coffee enemas.. it has cleared many a case of acne also... look to Gerson therapy of juicine and coffee enemas.
How did you doc come to the conclusion that spices were doing this?
Id be more suspect of too many carbs, poor fat selections, past drug use toxicity that may have affected the liver, hormonal issues as a cause of acne,
a full liver cleanse may be required.
If after a liver cleanse and the acne still continues then look to a hormone problem especailly if you are a woman. MMS can cleanse the liver and get rid of acne too for some folks.
Do you have any digestive issues? pain gas bloating constipation diarrhea. Spices do not cause these problems but can aggravate these problems when they are already there becasue they may be affecting a bad terrain and there is a reaction.
Please be advised
I advocate all health blogs linked to NMT.
Read them and explore MMS and CS.
It may be the best chance that you have to heal yourself
So much of that is due to hormonal imbalance. You may have a hard time trying to find out which spice is causing such. A liver detox can help, because the liver does help to balance hormones. Digestive bitters can help with this. They gently detox the liver and help to balance hormones among so many other things they do. Bitters do not have to be ingested. Bitter receptors are on the back of the tongue. Once those receptors taste bitterness, they stimulate the vagus nerve which is the instrument for all these benefits. You can use any bitter herb, or prepared digestive bitters. For the liquid, you only need half of whatever the bottle says and let it linger on the tongue for several seconds.
Another hormonal balancer are the adrenals. Remember that caffeine stimulates them. Perhaps too much in your case. It would be good for you to take a supplement of an adaptogen. Do a search for adaptogens. My favorites are yucca root and schisandra. There are several others. This may help https://www.chiro.org/nutrition/FULL/...ic_Herbs.shtml
Your doctor advised a bowel detox. Typically, these bowel detoxes contain herbs that will also cleanse the liver. This is good, but beware that some of these herbs can cause a dependency by the bowel after continuous uses. These herbs contain anthroquinones. That is the substance that causes to bowels to "move". They can get lazy. This causes the dependency. You will notice that several digestive bitters, like Swedish Bitters, contain these herbs. However, with digestive bitters, you are taking a very small amount.
Good luck with this. You seem to be on the right path.
- Jim
"A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something." �Wilson Mizner
How did you doc come to the conclusion that spices were doing this?
Id be more suspect of too many carbs, poor fat selections, past drug use toxicity that may have affected the liver, hormonal issues as a cause of acne,
a full liver cleanse may be required.
If after a liver cleanse and the acne still continues then look to a hormone problem especailly if you are a woman. MMS can cleanse the liver and get rid of acne too for some folks.
Do you have any digestive issues? pain gas bloating constipation diarrhea. Spices do not cause these problems but can aggravate these problems when they are already there becasue they may be affecting a bad terrain and there is a reaction.[/QUOTE]
Thanks to both for your replies. I am glad I joined this forum . You both wondered how I was diagnosed, and I have wondered at this as well.
My naturopath has a sort of machine (I always ask him what it's called and NEVER remember the name) that measures energy/electricity/magnetism(?) levels of different systems/organs. He instructs me to hold a wet metal rod with one hand, while he uses a metal 'pen' with a wet tip to press points around my hands and feet that supposedly correspond to the systems/organs. They are both attached to a machine with a gauge on it. If there is a problem or inflammation present, a little needle moves on the gauge that displays numbers from 1 to 100. If it sits at 50, that is supposed to be normal, beyond or below, respresents a probem. He says they've been replaced by digital versions, but believes that his old one is far more accurate, and he's been using it for decades.
So, in my case, the points he touched representing my liver and gallbladder made the needle move beyond 50. After this, he mentioned he thought it'd be this gamut of stimulants/spices. He has an arsenal of foods that he tests people for, so he put these various foods on top of this little machine and touched the points again. If they are doing damage to that area, the needle moves beyond 50. THEN, he retrieves what he believes are the appropriate herbs/supps. If he puts those on the machine while one of these irritants is there also, the needle goes back to 50 suggesting the medicine can counteract the problem.
I can't imagine it's too many other things in my diet, as I eat carbs sparsely, and generally avoid simple ones altogether. My diet consists mostly of whole foods, and I have never had an alcohol or drug problem. I sometimes experience digestive pain, but only when I know I've eaten something I shouldn't have -- something sugary and/or processed, or concentrated protein and concentrated carb together (potatoes & meat for ex.). I do, tend to consume a lot of spices, and some caffeine, but they don't seem to irritate my bowels.
I too have often suspected a hormone imbalance (and I am female) as I have some other symptoms such as a low/non existent libido, but have never pursued this. I will continue with the herbs given by my doctor, but also look into this issue of hormone imbalance. Thanks for the tips on the bitters. Oh, and Arrowwind, what is MMS?
My acne is not nearly as bad as it once was, perhaps because I've grown out of it (I'm now 25), or it could be because I've changed my diet over the past couple years for the better. But I am still concerned with it, and now the idea that it may be connected to liver congestion and/or hormone imbalance.
I went to a practitioner who did that kind of test. Someone in Rohnert Park, CA. It is similar to applied kinisiology. I went for a year and really did not learn much. He said I had an overgrowth of fungus, but did not say the type. Could have been candida, but just don't know. Each time he tested me with the acupressure probe and the metal plate containing the substance, my levels would change. Even testing for hormone imbalance is difficult, because that can change from week to week. It seemed too subjective to me. I am now going to a chiropractor very knowledgeable with naturopathic practice and am very pleased.
You need to look into your hormone issue and seek out a doc that specializes in bio-identical hormonal supplementation for they will know how to test and correct issues the best.
Low libibo at your age is a real problem. It could be a number of differnent hormonal issues.. cant know until you test.
You should be able to eat concentrated protien and carbs, perhaps not three times a day but at least 6 to 7 times a week. Your body was designed to do this and since you cant that is another sign of an issue.
I think your doc may be missing the boat on a couple of issues. Do his program, Rule it either in or out.