This is only the beginning, and will get much worse.
I've been warning about these new "bugs" for years, and now its happening. People who become infected must not be put on antibiotics because not only will the antibiotics have no effect on the bacteria, but will cause immune system dysfunction, which will allow these killer bugs to do what they do best... multiply and destroy the host.
Everyone has a medicine cabinet, so it only makes sense to have some real medicine in it... Colloidal silver with a nebulizer, MMS with some citric acid powder, some high quality oil of oregano, clove oil, vitamin C, and some good quality multiculture probiotics would be a good start.
Having a small ozone generator would also be beneficial.
Puting all your trust in the white coats (as so many will do)would not be wise.
Let Food Be Your Medicine And Medicine Be Your Food.(Hippocrates)