If you walk into your doctor�s office with symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, frequent burping and heartburn you will likely be evaluated for a potential H. pylori infection.
This common bacterium can, but does not always, cause unpleasant symptoms. However, if symptoms do arise, it�s important to address the infection in order to protect against chronic stomach inflammation, ulcers , increased risk of stomach cancer and beyond.
The most common treatment for Helicobacter pylori is a combination of three medications � two antibiotics and an acid suppressing drug.
The combination or �triple therapy� described above is the current standard of care.
Unfortunately, the addition of certain complementary, natural treatments is not yet widely accepted. But, that doesn�t mean that you can�t inform yourself about an integrative approach to H. Pylori care. And, once you do, you can share the information you�ve learned with your doctor in order to improve the quality of your care.
If I were diagnosed with an H. pylori infection I would incorporate three, evidence-based natural approaches. For starters, I would eat a few servings of probiotic yogurt every day for 4 weeks prior to treatment and for several weeks following successful eradication. The addition of kefir and other cultured foods may also be of benefit.
Vitamin C, at a dosage of 500 mg, twice-daily, is another alternative therapy I would employ. And finally, Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast that has been extensively studied in patients with H. pylori.
These foods and supplements have all been shown to improve treatment outcomes and reduce drug-related side effects � diarrhea, nausea, yeast infections, etc. What�s more they are inexpensive and safe.
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