The koala's are beautiful, unfortunately this was on our tv just a couple of days ago.
and apparently the spread of urban development is taking over their habitat as well.
I did notice when travelling from Queensland to Sydney 5 years ago that they have put overhead runs closer to Sydney over the major highways about every mile for the animals to use instead of crossing the busy roads.
chlamydia, is a disease killing a lot of koala's also.
Aparrently in South Australia we still have a good population of Koala's.
Vegemite is nice on toast, and is also good to take a desertspoon full each day, for women around that time of the month as it helps with PMT, so I hear.
We grew some rocket a couple of years ago its very easy to grow and really nice in salads, and pasta dishes, it is a bit like water cress a sort of peppery taste, the only thing is I am allergic to it and when I eat it it makes my tongue and throat swell, a bit, its about the only thing that I am allergic too.